Class DrawRenderersCustomPass
DrawRenderers Custom Pass
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
public class DrawRenderersCustomPass : CustomPass, IVersionable<CustomPass.Version>
Name | Description |
depthCompareFunction | Overrides the Depth comparison function, only used when overrideDepthState is true. |
depthWrite | Overrides the Depth write, only used when overrideDepthState is true. |
layerMask | Layer Mask filter, select which layer to render. |
overrideDepthState | When true, overrides the depth state of the objects. |
overrideMaterial | Replaces the material of selected renders by this one, be sure to also set overrideMaterialPassName to a good value when using this property. |
overrideMaterialPassName | Select which pass will be used to render objects when using an override material. |
overrideMode | Controls how the material on each renderer will be replaced. Material mode uses overrideMaterial. Shader mode uses overrideShader. |
overrideShader | Replaces the shader of selected renderers while using the current material properties. |
overrideShaderPassName | Select whih pass will be used to render objects when using an override material. |
overrideStencil | Override the stencil state of the objects. |
renderQueueType | Render Queue filter to select which kind of object to render. |
shaderPass | Set the shader pass to use when the override material is null |
sortingCriteria | Sorting flags of the objects to render. |
stencilCompareFunction | Comparison operation between the stencil buffer and the reference value. |
stencilDepthFailOperation | Operation to execute if the depth test fails. |
stencilFailOperation | Operation to execute if the stencil test fails. |
stencilPassOperation | Operation to execute if the stencil test passes. |
stencilReadMask | Read mask of the stencil |
stencilReferenceValue | Stencil reference value. Be careful when using this value to write in the stencil buffer to not overwrite HDRP stencil bits. |
stencilWriteMask | Write mask of the stencil. |
Name | Description |
AggregateCullingParameters(ref ScriptableCullingParameters, HDCamera) | Use this method if you want to draw objects that are not visible in the camera. For example if you disable a layer in the camera and add it in the culling parameters, then the culling result will contains your layer. |
Execute(CustomPassContext) | Execute the DrawRenderers with parameters setup from the editor |
RegisterMaterialForInspector() | List all the materials that need to be displayed at the bottom of the component. All the materials gathered by this method will be used to create a Material Editor and then can be edited directly on the custom pass. |
Setup(ScriptableRenderContext, CommandBuffer) | Called before the first execution of the pass occurs. Allow you to allocate custom buffers. |