Enum GhostSendType
An optimization: Set on each GhostComponent via the Ghost
When a Ghost is Owner
Maps to the Ghost
Note that this optimization is not available to Ghosts that can have their Ghost
Namespace: Unity.NetCode
Assembly: Unity.NetCode.dll
public enum GhostSendType
GhostSendType works for OwnerPredicted ghosts because:
- The server can infer what GhostMode any given client will have an OwnerPredicted ghost in. It's as simple as: If Owner, then Predicting, otherwise Interpolating.
- The server cannot infer what GhostMode a ghost supporting both Predicted and Interpolated can be in,
as this can change at runtime (see Ghost
GhostSendType also works for Ghosts not using All because:
- The server can infer what GhostMode any given client will have its ghost in, as it cannot change at runtime.
Applies to all components (parents and children).
A velocity component may only be required on a client if the ghost is being predicted (to predict velocity and collisions correctly). Thus, use GhostSendType.Predicted on the Velocity component.
Name | Description |
AllClients | The server will always replicate this component. Default. |
DontSend | The server will never replicate this component to any clients.
Works similarly to Dont |
OnlyInterpolatedClients | The server will only replicate this component to clients which are interpolating this Ghost. Interpolated). |
OnlyPredictedClients | The server will only replicate this component to clients which are predicted this Ghost. Predicted). |