Class GhostComponentAttribute
This attribute can be used to tag components to control which ghost prefab variants they are included in and where they are sent for owner predicted ghosts.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.NetCode
Assembly: Unity.NetCode.dll
public class GhostComponentAttribute : Attribute
GhostComponent is not enough to make your component replicated. Make sure to use Ghost
Get or sets if a component should be be sent to the prediction owner or not. Some combination of the parameters and OwnerSendType may result in an error or warning at code-generation time.
public SendToOwnerType OwnerSendType { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Send |
Gets or sets the type of prefab where this component should be included on the main entity of the prefab.
public GhostPrefabType PrefabType { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Ghost |
Denotes whether or not this component - when added to a child entity - should send (i.e. replicate) its data. The default behaviour is that Netcode will NOT replicate component and buffer data on children. Why not? It's expensive, as it involves finding child entities in other chunks. Thus, setting this flag to true will enable this (more expensive) serialization of child entities (unless overridden via another "Variant"). Setting to false has no effect (as is the default).
public bool SendDataForChildEntity { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Gets or sets the type of ghost this component should be sent to if the ghost is owner predicted. Formerly: "OwnerPredictedSendType".
public GhostSendType SendTypeOptimization { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Ghost |