Class ClientScene
A client manager which contains static client information and functions.
This manager contains references to tracked static local objects such as spawner registrations. It also has the default message handlers used by clients when they registered none themselves. The manager handles adding/removing player objects to the game after a client connection has been set as ready.
The ClientScene is a singleton, and it has static convenience methods such as ClientScene.Ready().
The ClientScene is used by the NetworkManager, but it can be used by itself.
As the ClientScene manages player objects on the client, it is where clients request to add players. The NetworkManager does this via the ClientScene automatically when auto-add-players is set, but it can be done through code using the function ClientScene.AddPlayer(). This sends an AddPlayer message to the server and will cause a player object to be created for this client.
Like NetworkServer, the ClientScene understands the concept of the local client. The function ClientScene.ConnectLocalServer() is used to become a host by starting a local client (when a server is already running).
Namespace: UnityEngine.Networking
public class ClientScene : object
A constant ID used by the old host when it reconnects to the new host.
public const int ReconnectIdHost = null
Field Value
Type | Description |
Int32 |
An invalid reconnect Id.
public const int ReconnectIdInvalid = null
Field Value
Type | Description |
Int32 |
A list of all players added to the game.
These are the players on this client, not all of the players in the game on the server. The client has no explicit knowledge of the player objects of other clients.
public static List<PlayerController> localPlayers { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
List<PlayerController> |
This is a dictionary of networked objects that have been spawned on the client.
The key of the dictionary is the NetworkIdentity netId of the objects.
public static Dictionary<NetworkInstanceId, NetworkIdentity> objects { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Dictionary<NetworkInstanceId, NetworkIdentity> |
This is a dictionary of the prefabs that are registered on the client with ClientScene.RegisterPrefab().
The key to the dictionary is the prefab asset Id.
public static Dictionary<NetworkHash128, GameObject> prefabs { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Dictionary<NetworkHash128, GameObject> |
Returns true when a client's connection has been set to ready.
A client that is ready recieves state updates from the server, while a client that is not ready does not. This useful when the state of the game is not normal, such as a scene change or end-of-game.
This is read-only. To change the ready state of a client, use ClientScene.Ready(). The server is able to set the ready state of clients using NetworkServer.SetClientReady(), NetworkServer.SetClientNotReady() and NetworkServer.SetAllClientsNotReady().
This is done when changing scenes so that clients don't receive state update messages during scene loading.
public static bool ready { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
The NetworkConnection object that is currently "ready". This is the connection to the server where objects are spawned from.
This connection can be used to send messages to the server. There can only be one ready connection at a time. There can be multiple NetworkClient instances in existence, each with their own NetworkConnections, but there is only one ClientScene instance and corresponding ready connection.
public static NetworkConnection readyConnection { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
NetworkConnection |
The reconnectId to use when a client reconnects to the new host of a game after the old host was lost.
This will be ClientScene.ReconnectIdInvalid by default (-1), and will be ClientScene.ReconnectIdHost when the old host is reconnecting to the host of the new game.
public static int reconnectId { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32 |
This is dictionary of the disabled NetworkIdentity objects in the scene that could be spawned by messages from the server.
The key to the dictionary is the NetworkIdentity sceneId.
public static Dictionary<NetworkSceneId, NetworkIdentity> spawnableObjects { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Dictionary<NetworkSceneId, NetworkIdentity> |
This adds a player GameObject for this client. This causes an AddPlayer message to be sent to the server, and NetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayer is called. If an extra message was passed to AddPlayer, then OnServerAddPlayer will be called with a NetworkReader that contains the contents of the message.
The HLAPI treats players and clients as separate GameObjects. In most cases, there is a single player for each client, but in some situations (for example, when there are multiple controllers connected to a console system) there might be multiple player GameObjects for a single connection. When there are multiple players for a single connection, use the playerControllerId property to tell them apart. This is an identifier that is scoped to the connection, so that it maps to the id of the controller associated with the player on that client. This is not the global player number.
public static bool AddPlayer(short playerControllerId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int16 | playerControllerId | The local player ID number. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | True if player was added. |
AddPlayer(NetworkConnection, Int16)
This adds a player GameObject for this client. This causes an AddPlayer message to be sent to the server, and NetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayer is called. If an extra message was passed to AddPlayer, then OnServerAddPlayer will be called with a NetworkReader that contains the contents of the message.
The HLAPI treats players and clients as separate GameObjects. In most cases, there is a single player for each client, but in some situations (for example, when there are multiple controllers connected to a console system) there might be multiple player GameObjects for a single connection. When there are multiple players for a single connection, use the playerControllerId property to tell them apart. This is an identifier that is scoped to the connection, so that it maps to the id of the controller associated with the player on that client. This is not the global player number.
public static bool AddPlayer(NetworkConnection readyConn, short playerControllerId)
Type | Name | Description |
NetworkConnection | readyConn | The connection to become ready for this client. |
Int16 | playerControllerId | The local player ID number. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | True if player was added. |
AddPlayer(NetworkConnection, Int16, MessageBase)
This adds a player GameObject for this client. This causes an AddPlayer message to be sent to the server, and NetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayer is called. If an extra message was passed to AddPlayer, then OnServerAddPlayer will be called with a NetworkReader that contains the contents of the message.
The HLAPI treats players and clients as separate GameObjects. In most cases, there is a single player for each client, but in some situations (for example, when there are multiple controllers connected to a console system) there might be multiple player GameObjects for a single connection. When there are multiple players for a single connection, use the playerControllerId property to tell them apart. This is an identifier that is scoped to the connection, so that it maps to the id of the controller associated with the player on that client. This is not the global player number.
public static bool AddPlayer(NetworkConnection readyConn, short playerControllerId, MessageBase extraMessage)
Type | Name | Description |
NetworkConnection | readyConn | The connection to become ready for this client. |
Int16 | playerControllerId | The local player ID number. |
MessageBase | extraMessage | An extra message object that can be passed to the server for this player. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | True if player was added. |
This clears the registered spawn prefabs and spawn handler functions for this client.
public static void ClearSpawners()
Create and connect a local client instance to the local server. This makes the client into a "host" - a client and server in the same process.
The returned local client acts like normal remote client but internally all messages are routed directly to the server process. Commands from a local client are executed synchronously on the server.
public static NetworkClient ConnectLocalServer()
Type | Description |
NetworkClient | A client object for communicating with the local server. |
Destroys all networked objects on the client.
This can be used to clean up when a network connection is closed.
public static void DestroyAllClientObjects()
This finds the local NetworkIdentity object with the specified network Id.
NetId is a unique number assigned to all objects with NetworkIdentity components in a game. This number is the same on the server and all connected clients for a particular object, so it can be used to identify objects across the network. The FindLocalObject() function is called on a client to transform a netId received from a server to a local game object.
public static GameObject FindLocalObject(NetworkInstanceId netId)
Type | Name | Description |
NetworkInstanceId | netId | The id of the networked object. |
Type | Description |
GameObject | The game object that matches the netId. |
Signal that the client connection is ready to enter the game.
This could be for example when a client enters an ongoing game and has finished loading the current scene. The server should respond to the SYSTEM_READY event with an appropriate handler which instantiates the players object for example.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
//This makes the GameObject a NetworkManager GameObject
public class Example : NetworkManager
public bool m_ServerStarted, m_ClientStarted;
public Button m_ClientButton;
//Detect when a client connects to the Server
public override void OnClientConnect(NetworkConnection connection)
m_ClientStarted = true;
//Output text to show the connection on the client side
Debug.Log("Client Side : Client " + connection.connectionId + " Connected!");
//Register and receive the message on the Client's side (NetworkConnection.Send Example)
client.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Ready, ReadyMessage);
//Use this to receive the message from the Server on the Client's side
public void ReadyMessage(NetworkMessage networkMessage)
Debug.Log("Client Ready! ");
//Detect when a client disconnects from the Server
public override void OnClientDisconnect(NetworkConnection connection)
//Change the text to show the connection loss on the client side
Debug.Log("Client Side : Client " + connection.connectionId + " Lost!");
m_ClientStarted = false;
public void ClientButton()
if (!m_ClientStarted)
m_ClientButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Disconnect";
public static bool Ready(NetworkConnection conn)
Type | Name | Description |
NetworkConnection | conn | The client connection which is ready. |
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Registers a prefab with the UNET spawning system.
When a NetworkIdentity object is spawned on a server with NetworkServer.SpawnObject(), and the prefab that the object was created from was registered with RegisterPrefab(), the client will use that prefab to instantiate a corresponding client object with the same netId.
The NetworkManager has a list of spawnable prefabs, it uses this function to register those prefabs with the ClientScene.
The set of current spawnable object is available in the ClientScene static member variable ClientScene.prefabs, which is a dictionary of NetworkAssetIds and prefab references.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class PlantSpawner : NetworkBehaviour
public GameObject plantPrefab;
public override void OnStartClient()
public void ServerSpawnPlant(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
var plant = (GameObject)Instantiate(plantPrefab, pos, rot);
The optional custom spawn and un-spawn handler functions can be used to implement more advanced spawning strategies such as object pools.
public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab)
Type | Name | Description |
GameObject | prefab | A Prefab that will be spawned. |
RegisterPrefab(GameObject, NetworkHash128)
Registers a prefab with the UNET spawning system.
When a NetworkIdentity object is spawned on a server with NetworkServer.SpawnObject(), and the prefab that the object was created from was registered with RegisterPrefab(), the client will use that prefab to instantiate a corresponding client object with the same netId.
The NetworkManager has a list of spawnable prefabs, it uses this function to register those prefabs with the ClientScene.
The set of current spawnable object is available in the ClientScene static member variable ClientScene.prefabs, which is a dictionary of NetworkAssetIds and prefab references.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class PlantSpawner : NetworkBehaviour
public GameObject plantPrefab;
public override void OnStartClient()
public void ServerSpawnPlant(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
var plant = (GameObject)Instantiate(plantPrefab, pos, rot);
The optional custom spawn and un-spawn handler functions can be used to implement more advanced spawning strategies such as object pools.
public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, NetworkHash128 newAssetId)
Type | Name | Description |
GameObject | prefab | A Prefab that will be spawned. |
NetworkHash128 | newAssetId | An assetId to be assigned to this prefab. This allows a dynamically created game object to be registered for an already known asset Id. |
RegisterPrefab(GameObject, SpawnDelegate, UnSpawnDelegate)
Registers a prefab with the UNET spawning system.
When a NetworkIdentity object is spawned on a server with NetworkServer.SpawnObject(), and the prefab that the object was created from was registered with RegisterPrefab(), the client will use that prefab to instantiate a corresponding client object with the same netId.
The NetworkManager has a list of spawnable prefabs, it uses this function to register those prefabs with the ClientScene.
The set of current spawnable object is available in the ClientScene static member variable ClientScene.prefabs, which is a dictionary of NetworkAssetIds and prefab references.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class PlantSpawner : NetworkBehaviour
public GameObject plantPrefab;
public override void OnStartClient()
public void ServerSpawnPlant(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
var plant = (GameObject)Instantiate(plantPrefab, pos, rot);
The optional custom spawn and un-spawn handler functions can be used to implement more advanced spawning strategies such as object pools.
public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
Type | Name | Description |
GameObject | prefab | A Prefab that will be spawned. |
SpawnDelegate | spawnHandler | A method to use as a custom spawnhandler on clients. |
UnSpawnDelegate | unspawnHandler | A method to use as a custom un-spawnhandler on clients. |
RegisterSpawnHandler(NetworkHash128, SpawnDelegate, UnSpawnDelegate)
This is an advanced spawning function that registers a custom assetId with the UNET spawning system.
This can be used to register custom spawning methods for an assetId - instead of the usual method of registering spawning methods for a prefab. This should be used when no prefab exists for the spawned objects - such as when they are constructed dynamically at runtime from configuration data.
public static void RegisterSpawnHandler(NetworkHash128 assetId, SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
Type | Name | Description |
NetworkHash128 | assetId | Custom assetId string. |
SpawnDelegate | spawnHandler | A method to use as a custom spawnhandler on clients. |
UnSpawnDelegate | unspawnHandler | A method to use as a custom un-spawnhandler on clients. |
Removes the specified player ID from the game.
Both the client and the server destroy the player GameObject and remove it from the player list. The playerControllerId is scoped to this client, not global to all players or clients.
The HLAPI treats players and clients as separate GameObjects. In most cases, there is a single player for each client, but in some situations (for example, when there are multiple controllers connected to a console system) there might be multiple player GameObjects for a single connection. When there are multiple players for a single connection, use the playerControllerId property to tell them apart. This is an identifier that is scoped to the connection, so that it maps to the id of the controller associated with the player on that client.
public static bool RemovePlayer(short playerControllerId)
Type | Name | Description |
Int16 | playerControllerId | The local playerControllerId number to be removed. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | Returns true if the player was successfully destoyed and removed. |
Send a reconnect message to the new host, used during host migration.
An example usage might be that if you decide to spawn your own player and not use the built in "Auto Create Player" property in the NetworkManager together with HostMigration, you would need to send a reconnect message when your client reconnects. The code below illustrates such an example were we OnClientConnect check if we where disconnected from the host and in that case we send the reconnect message.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class NetworkManagerEx : NetworkManager
public override void OnClientConnect(NetworkConnection conn)
if (migrationManager.disconnectedFromHost)
public static bool SendReconnectMessage(MessageBase extraMessage)
Type | Name | Description |
MessageBase | extraMessage | Any extra data to send. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | Returns true if the send succeeded. |
SetLocalObject(NetworkInstanceId, GameObject)
NetId is a unique number assigned to all objects with NetworkIdentity components in a game.
This number is the same on the server and all connected clients for a particular object, so it can be used to identify objects across the network. The FindLocalObject() function is called on a client to transform a netId received from a server to a local game object.
public static void SetLocalObject(NetworkInstanceId netId, GameObject obj)
Type | Name | Description |
NetworkInstanceId | netId | NetId of object. |
GameObject | obj | Networked object. |
SetReconnectId(Int32, PeerInfoMessage[])
Sets the Id that the ClientScene will use when reconnecting to a new host after host migration.
public static void SetReconnectId(int newReconnectId, PeerInfoMessage[] peers)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | newReconnectId | The Id to use when reconnecting to a game. |
PeerInfoMessage[] | peers | The set of known peers in the game. This may be null. |
Removes a registered spawn prefab that was setup with ClientScene.RegisterPrefab.
public static void UnregisterPrefab(GameObject prefab)
Type | Name | Description |
GameObject | prefab | The prefab to be removed from registration. |
Removes a registered spawn handler function that was registered with ClientScene.RegisterHandler().
public static void UnregisterSpawnHandler(NetworkHash128 assetId)
Type | Name | Description |
NetworkHash128 | assetId | The assetId for the handler to be removed for. |