Class FaceMapper
An asset used to apply a face pose to a character rig.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.LiveCapture .ARKitFaceCapture
Assembly: Unity.LiveCapture.ARKitFaceCapture.dll
public abstract class FaceMapper : ScriptableObject
To use a mapper, it must be assigned to a Face
ApplyBlendShapesToRig(FaceActor, FaceMapperCache, ref FaceBlendShapePose, bool)
Called by Face
public abstract void ApplyBlendShapesToRig(FaceActor actor, FaceMapperCache cache, ref FaceBlendShapePose pose, bool continuous)
Type | Name | Description |
Face |
actor | The face rig the pose is applied to. |
Face |
cache | The mapper state cache for the specified actor. |
Face |
pose | The face pose to map from. |
bool | continuous | When true, the new pose follows the current pose and they can be smoothed between, while false corresponds to a seek in the animation where the previous pose is invalidated and should not influence the new pose. |
ApplyEyeRotationToRig(FaceActor, FaceMapperCache, ref FaceBlendShapePose, ref Quaternion, ref Quaternion, bool)
Called by Face
public abstract void ApplyEyeRotationToRig(FaceActor actor, FaceMapperCache cache, ref FaceBlendShapePose pose, ref Quaternion leftEyeRotation, ref Quaternion rightEyeRotation, bool continuous)
Type | Name | Description |
Face |
actor | The face rig the pose is applied to. |
Face |
cache | The mapper state cache for the specified actor. |
Face |
pose | The face blend shapes to map from. |
Quaternion | leftEyeRotation | The left eye rotation to map from. |
Quaternion | rightEyeRotation | The right eye rotation to map from. |
bool | continuous | When true, the new pose follows the current pose and they can be smoothed between, while false corresponds to a seek in the animation where the previous pose is invalidated and should not influence the new pose. |
ApplyHeadPositionToRig(FaceActor, FaceMapperCache, ref Vector3, bool)
Called by Face
public abstract void ApplyHeadPositionToRig(FaceActor actor, FaceMapperCache cache, ref Vector3 headPosition, bool continuous)
Type | Name | Description |
Face |
actor | The face rig the pose is applied to. |
Face |
cache | The mapper state cache for the specified actor. |
Vector3 | headPosition | The head position to map from. |
bool | continuous | When true, the new pose follows the current pose and they can be smoothed between, while false corresponds to a seek in the animation where the previous pose is invalidated and should not influence the new pose. |
ApplyHeadRotationToRig(FaceActor, FaceMapperCache, ref Quaternion, bool)
Called by Face
public abstract void ApplyHeadRotationToRig(FaceActor actor, FaceMapperCache cache, ref Quaternion headOrientation, bool continuous)
Type | Name | Description |
Face |
actor | The face rig the pose is applied to. |
Face |
cache | The mapper state cache for the specified actor. |
Quaternion | headOrientation | The head pose to map from. |
bool | continuous | When true, the new pose follows the current pose and they can be smoothed between, while false corresponds to a seek in the animation where the previous pose is invalidated and should not influence the new pose. |
Creates a mapper state cache for the specified actor.
public virtual FaceMapperCache CreateCache(FaceActor actor)
Type | Name | Description |
Face |
actor | The face rig to create the cache for. |
Type | Description |
Face |
The new cache instance, or null if no cache is needed by the mapper. |
RegisterPreviewableProperties(FaceActor, FaceMapperCache, IPropertyPreviewer)
The preview system calls this method before playing animations.
Use the specified IProperty
public virtual void RegisterPreviewableProperties(FaceActor actor, FaceMapperCache cache, IPropertyPreviewer previewer)
Type | Name | Description |
Face |
actor | The face rig the pose is applied to. |
Face |
cache | The mapper state cache for the specified actor. |
IProperty |
previewer | The IProperty |