Class ResolveSkelBindingsNode
This node finds all the skeletons in the stage and populates structures that can be used later in the graph for animating joints and blend shape weights.
It does so by using the UsdSkelCache to discover skeletal bindings first, then going deeper in the stage to analyse the bindings that might not be resolved by the cache. This allows post-import re-binding and re-targeting of skeletal rigs and animation in Unity.
The Output structures are optimized to avoid duplication of the animation data. Skeletons can share the same animation, and so we only want to move one copy of the animation data through the graph
We only output bindings when there is animation.
The Outputted skinning query data are the ones that are under an animated UsdSkelRoot prim (the one that have skeletons that are animated)
The skinless skeletons are skeletons for which the cache was not able to resolve bindings, but for which we want to create game objects and animation for post-import re-binding and re-targeting
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor .Importer.USD
Assembly: Unity.Importer.USD.Editor.dll
[NodeMetadata("ResolveSkelBindingsNode", 0)]
public class ResolveSkelBindingsNode : Node<ResolveSkelBindingsNode.InputPort, ResolveSkelBindingsNode.OutputPort>, INode<ResolveSkelBindingsNode.InputPort, ResolveSkelBindingsNode.OutputPort>, INodeSerialization
See the documentation for <Node{TInput,TOutput}.Run> in the com.unity.importer package documentation for details
public override void Run()