Struct ComponentType
A struct to define a component including how it's accessed and what type of component it is
Namespace: Unity.Entities
Assembly: Unity.Entities.dll
public struct ComponentType
Name | Description |
ComponentType(Type, AccessMode) | Create a component type |
Name | Description |
AccessModeType | The way the component type will be accessed |
TypeIndex | A unique index of the component type |
Name | Description |
HasEntityReferences | True if any of the fields in the component type are type Entity |
HasNativeContainer | The component type contains a NativeContainerAttribute decorated member. NativeContainer members found in nested member types will also cause this property to return true. |
IsBuffer | True if the component type is a IBufferElementData |
IsChunkComponent | True if the component type is flagged as a chunk component type |
IsChunkSerializable | True if the component type is appropriate for chunk serialization. Such types are blittable without containing pointer types or have been decorated with ChunkSerializableAttribute. |
IsCleanupBufferComponent | Bitflag set for component types inheriting from ICleanupBufferElementData. |
IsCleanupComponent | True if the component type is a ICleanupComponentData |
IsCleanupSharedComponent | True if the component type is a ICleanupSharedComponentData |
IsComponent | True if the component type is a IComponentData |
IsEnableable | True if the component type is a IEnableableComponent |
IsManagedComponent | True if the component type is a managed component |
IsSharedComponent | True if the component type is a ISharedComponentData |
IsSystemStateComponent | Obsolete. Use IsCleanupComponent instead. |
IsSystemStateSharedComponent | Obsolete. Use IsCleanupComponent instead. |
IsZeroSized | True if the component type does not contain actual fields or data |
Name | Description |
ChunkComponent(Type) | Returns a ComponentType that is a chunk component with ReadWrite based on the type. |
ChunkComponentExclude(Type) | Returns a ComponentType that is a chunk component with Exclude based on the type. |
ChunkComponentExclude<T>() | Returns a ComponentType that is a chunk component with Exclude based on the type. |
ChunkComponentReadOnly(Type) | Returns a ComponentType that is a chunk component with ReadOnly based on the type. |
ChunkComponentReadOnly<T>() | Returns a ComponentType that is a chunk component with ReadOnly based on the type. |
ChunkComponent<T>() | Returns a ComponentType that is a chunk component with ReadWrite based on the type. |
Combine(params ComponentType[][]) | Combine multiple array of component type into one. Duplicate types are removed. It will allocate an array containing all component type. Useful for creating queries during initialization of systems. |
CompareTo(ComponentType) | Returns the sort order this component type compared to another |
Equals(object) | Checks to see if an object is equal to this component type. |
Equals(ComponentType) | Checks if this component type has the same TypeIndex and AccessModeType as the other component type. |
Exclude(Type) | Returns a ComponentType with Exclude based on the type. |
Exclude(TypeIndex) | Returns a ComponentType with Exclude based on the typeIndex. |
Exclude<T>() | Returns a ComponentType with Exclude based on the generic type T. |
FromTypeIndex(TypeIndex) | Returns a ComponentType with ReadWrite based on the typeIndex |
GetHashCode() | |
GetManagedType() | |
ReadOnly(Type) | Returns a ComponentType with ReadOnly based on the type. |
ReadOnly(TypeIndex) | Returns a ComponentType with ReadOnly based on the typeIndex. |
ReadOnly<T>() | Returns a ComponentType with ReadOnly based on the generic type T. |
ReadWrite(Type) | Returns a ComponentType with ReadWrite based on the type. |
ReadWrite(TypeIndex) | Returns a ComponentType with ReadWrite based on the typeIndex. |
ReadWrite<T>() | Returns a ComponentType with ReadWrite based on the generic type T. |
ToFixedString() | Returns a fixed string of the component type |
ToString() | Returns a managed string of the component type |
Name | Description |
operator ==(ComponentType, ComponentType) | Evaluates if two component types are equal based on TypeIndex and AccessModeType. |
operator >(ComponentType, ComponentType) | Evaluates if one component type is greater than the the other. |
implicit operator ComponentType(Type) | Creates a new component type based on the type passed in |
operator !=(ComponentType, ComponentType) | Evaluates if two component types are not equal based on TypeIndex and AccessModeType. |
operator <(ComponentType, ComponentType) | Evaluates if one component type is less than the the other first by TypeIndex, then by ComponentType.AccessMode. |