Entity Component System API reference
Entity types | |
Entity | The fundamental identifier in ECS |
EntityArchetype | A unique combination of component types |
EntityQuery | Use to select entities with specific characteristics |
EntityQueryDesc | Use to create EntityQuery objects |
EntityManager | Manages entities and provides utility methods |
World | An isolated collection of entities |
Component types | |
IComponentData | A marker interface for general purpose components |
ISharedComponentData | A marker interface for components shared by many entities |
ISystemStateComponentData | A marker interface for specialized system components |
IBufferElementData | A marker interface for buffer elements |
DynamicBuffer | The API to access buffer elements |
[BlobAssetReference] | A reference to a blob asset in a component |
System types | |
ComponentSystemBase | Defines a set of basic functionality for systems |
SystemBase | The base class to extend when writing an ECS system |
GameObjectConversionSystem | The base class to extend when writing GameObject conversion systems |
ComponentSystemGroup | A group of systems that update as a unit |
ECS job types | |
Entities.ForEach | An implicitly created job that iterates over a set of entities |
Job.WithCode | An implicitly created single job |
IJobEntityBatch | An interface to implement to explicitly create a job that iterates over the entities returned by an entity query in batches |
Other important types | |
ArchetypeChunk | The storage unit for entity components |
EntityCommandBuffer | A buffer for recording entity modifications used to reduce structural changes |
ComponentType | Use to define types when creating entity queries |
BlobBuilder | A utility class for creating blob assets, which are immutable data structures that can be safely shared between jobs using [BlobAssetReference] instances |
ICustomBootstrap | An interface to implement to create your own system loop |
Attributes | |
UpdateInGroup | Defines the ComponentSystemGroup to which a system should be added |
UpdateBefore | Specifies that one system must update before another |
UpdateAfter | Specifies that one system must update after another |
DisableAutoCreation | Prevents a system from being automatically discovered and run when your application starts up |
ExecuteAlways | Specifies that a system's update function must be invoked every frame, even when no entities are returned by the system's entity query |
GenerateAuthoringComponent | Generates a MonoBehaviour-based Component for an ECS IComponentData struct, allowing you to add it directly to a GameObject in the Unity Editor |
ConverterVersion | Use to ensure that serialized data is up to date with conversion code |