Class Cinemachine3rdPersonFollow
Third-person follower, with complex pivoting: horizontal about the origin, vertical about the shoulder.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Cinemachine
Assembly: solution.dll
[Obsolete("Cinemachine3rdPersonFollow has been deprecated. Use CinemachineThirdPersonFollow instead")]
public class Cinemachine3rdPersonFollow : CinemachineComponentBase, CinemachineFreeLookModifier.IModifierValueSource, CinemachineFreeLookModifier.IModifiablePositionDamping, CinemachineFreeLookModifier.IModifiableDistance
Name | Description |
Camera |
How far behind the hand the camera will be placed. |
Camera |
Specifies which shoulder (left, right, or in-between) the camera is on. |
Damping | How responsively the camera tracks the target. Each axis (camera-local) can have its own setting. Value is the approximate time it takes the camera to catch up to the target's new position. Smaller values give a more rigid effect, larger values give a squishier one. |
Shoulder |
Position of the shoulder pivot relative to the Follow target origin. |
Vertical |
Vertical offset of the hand in relation to the shoulder. |
Name | Description |
Is |
True if component is enabled and has a Follow target defined |
Stage | Get the Cinemachine Pipeline stage that this component implements. Always returns the Aim stage |
Name | Description |
Get |
Internal use only. Public for the inspector gizmo |
Mutate |
Orients the camera to match the Follow target's orientation |
On |
This is called to notify the user that a target got warped, so that we can update its internal state to make the camera also warp seamlessly. |