Struct AuthoringKinematicCharacterProperties
Defines the authoring data for kinematic character properties
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.CharacterController
public struct AuthoringKinematicCharacterProperties
Physics tags to be added to the character's physics body
[Header("General Properties")]
[Tooltip("Physics tags to be added to the character's physics body")]
public CustomPhysicsBodyTags CustomPhysicsBodyTags
Field Value
Type | Description |
CustomPhysicsBodyTags |
Enables detecting and solving overlaps
[Tooltip("Enables detecting and solving overlaps")]
public bool DecollideFromOverlaps
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Enables detecting and solving movement collisions with a collider cast, based on character's velocity
[Tooltip("Enables detecting and solving movement collisions with a collider cast, based on character's velocity")]
public bool DetectMovementCollisions
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Enables doing a collider cast to detect obstructions when being moved by a parent body, instead of simply moving the character transform along
[Tooltip("Enables doing a collider cast to detect obstructions when being moved by a parent body, instead of simply moving the character transform along")]
public bool DetectObstructionsForParentBodyMovement
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Whether we should reset the remaining move distance to zero when the character exceeds the maximum collision iterations
[Tooltip("Whether we should reset the remaining move distance to zero when the character exceeds the maximum collision iterations")]
public bool DiscardMovementWhenExceedMaxIterations
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Computes a more precise distance to ground hits when the original query returned a distance of 0f due to imprecisions. Helps reduce jitter in certain situations, but can have an additional performance cost. It is recommended that you only enable this if you notice jitter problems when moving against angled walls
[Tooltip("Computes a more precise distance to ground hits when the original query returned a distance of 0f due to imprecisions. Helps reduce jitter in certain situations, but can have an additional performance cost. It is recommended that you only enable this if you notice jitter problems when moving against angled walls")]
public bool EnhancedGroundPrecision
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Enables detecting ground and evaluating grounding for each hit
[Tooltip("Enables detecting ground and evaluating grounding for each hit")]
public bool EvaluateGrounding
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Distance to snap to ground, if SnapToGround is enabled
[Tooltip("Distance to snap to ground, if SnapToGround is enabled")]
public float GroundSnappingDistance
Field Value
Type | Description |
Single |
Enables interpolating the character's position between fixed update steps, for smoother movement
[Tooltip("Enables interpolating the character's position between fixed update steps, for smoother movement")]
public bool InterpolatePosition
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Enables interpolating the character's rotation between fixed update steps, for smoother movement. Note: the Standard Characters must keep this option disabled, because by default they all handle their rotation on regular update rather than fixed update
[Tooltip("Enables interpolating the character's rotation between fixed update steps, for smoother movement. Note: the Standard Characters must keep this option disabled, because by default they all handle their rotation on regular update rather than fixed update")]
public bool InterpolateRotation
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Whether we should reset the velocity to zero when the character exceeds the maximum collision iterations
[Tooltip("Whether we should reset the velocity to zero when the character exceeds the maximum collision iterations")]
public bool KillVelocityWhenExceedMaxIterations
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
The mass used to simulate dynamic body interactions
[Tooltip("The mass used to simulate dynamic body interactions")]
public float Mass
Field Value
Type | Description |
Single |
The maximum amount of times per frame that the character should try to cast its collider for detecting hits
[Tooltip("The maximum amount of times per frame that the character should try to cast its collider for detecting hits")]
public byte MaxContinuousCollisionsIterations
Field Value
Type | Description |
Byte |
The max slope angle that the character can be considered grounded on
[Tooltip("The max slope angle that the character can be considered grounded on")]
public float MaxGroundedSlopeAngle
Field Value
Type | Description |
Single |
The maximum amount of times per frame that the character should try to decollide itself from overlaps
[Tooltip("The maximum amount of times per frame that the character should try to decollide itself from overlaps")]
public byte MaxOverlapDecollisionIterations
Field Value
Type | Description |
Byte |
Enables doing an extra physics check to project velocity on initial overlaps before the character moves. This can help with tunneling issues when you rotate your character in a way that could change the detected collisions (which doesn't happen if your character has an upright capsule shape and only rotates around up axis, for example), but it has a performance cost.
[Tooltip("Enables doing an extra physics check to project velocity on initial overlaps before the character moves. This can help with tunneling issues when you rotate your character in a way that could change the detected collisions (which doesn't happen if your character has an upright capsule shape and only rotates around up axis, for example), but it has a performance cost.")]
public bool ProjectVelocityOnInitialOverlaps
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Enables physics interactions (push and be pushed) with other dynamic bodies. Note that in order to be pushed properly, the character's collision response has to be either "None" or "Raise Trigger Events"
[Tooltip("Enables physics interactions (push and be pushed) with other dynamic bodies. Note that in order to be pushed properly, the character's collision response has to be either \"None\" or \"Raise Trigger Events\"")]
public bool SimulateDynamicBody
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Enables snapping to the ground surface below the character
[Tooltip("Enables snapping to the ground surface below the character")]
public bool SnapToGround
Field Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Gets a sensible default set of parameters for this struct
public static AuthoringKinematicCharacterProperties GetDefault()
Type | Description |
AuthoringKinematicCharacterProperties |