Class BuildScript
[Obsolete] Entry point into building data for the addressables system. NOTE: This API is going to be replaced soon with a more flexible build system.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor.AddressableAssets
public static class BuildScript
Delegate to be invoked upon build completion.NOTE: This API is going to be replaced soon with a more flexible build system.
public static Action<AddressableAssetBuildResult> buildCompleted
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.Action<AddressableAssetBuildResult> |
BuildDataForPlayMode(String, ResourceManagerRuntimeData.EditorPlayMode)
Build runtime data for the specified play mode. NOTE: This API is going to be replaced soon with a more flexible build system.
public static bool BuildDataForPlayMode(string playerVersion, ResourceManagerRuntimeData.EditorPlayMode mode)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | playerVersion | Player version string. |
ResourceManagerRuntimeData.EditorPlayMode | mode | Editor play mode. |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean | True if data is successfully built. |
Clean up any files created in the streaming assets path or build path such as catalogs and asset bundles.NOTE: This API is going to be replaced soon with a more flexible build system.
public static void Cleanup(bool deleteStreamingAssetsFolderIfEmpty)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Boolean | deleteStreamingAssetsFolderIfEmpty | If true, the streaming assets folder will be deleted if it is empty after removing the files. |
PrepareRuntimeData(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, BuildTargetGroup, BuildTarget, String, ResourceManagerRuntimeData.EditorPlayMode, out String)
[obsolete] Prepare data for runtime. NOTE: This API is going to be replaced soon with a more flexible build system.
public static bool PrepareRuntimeData(bool isPlayerBuild, bool isDevBuild, bool allowProfilerEvents, bool forceRebuild, bool enteringPlayMode, BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup, BuildTarget buildTarget, string playerBuildVersion, ResourceManagerRuntimeData.EditorPlayMode playMode, out string cacheDataPath)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Boolean | isPlayerBuild | If building a player, cached addressable data is not used, play mode is forced to Packed, and content update data is generated. |
System.Boolean | isDevBuild | True if the 'Development Build' option is |
System.Boolean | allowProfilerEvents | ResourceManager profiler events will be sent. |
System.Boolean | forceRebuild | If true, cached data is not used. |
System.Boolean | enteringPlayMode | If true and play mode is not Packed, addressable scenes will be added to the BuildPlayer settings scene list temporarily. |
BuildTargetGroup | buildTargetGroup | Target group for build. |
BuildTarget | buildTarget | Build target. |
System.String | playerBuildVersion | Player version. This is stored in the content update data. |
ResourceManagerRuntimeData.EditorPlayMode | playMode | Supported modes are Fast for quick iterate, Virtual for moderate iteration and simulated asset bundle behavior, and Packed for running against built asset bundles. Packed mode is set whenever a player is built as the other modes are not supported in the player. |
System.String | cacheDataPath | Path that content update data was stored. This value is null unless isPlayerBuild is true. |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean | True if the build succeeds. |
PrepareRuntimeData(AddressableAssetSettings, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, BuildTargetGroup, BuildTarget, String, ResourceManagerRuntimeData.EditorPlayMode, out String)
[obsolete] Prepare data for runtime. NOTE: This API is going to be replaced soon with a more flexible build system.
public static bool PrepareRuntimeData(AddressableAssetSettings aaSettings, bool isPlayerBuild, bool isDevBuild, bool allowProfilerEvents, bool forceRebuild, bool enteringPlayMode, BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup, BuildTarget buildTarget, string playerBuildVersion, ResourceManagerRuntimeData.EditorPlayMode playMode, out string cacheDataPath)
Type | Name | Description |
AddressableAssetSettings | aaSettings | The settings object to use. |
System.Boolean | isPlayerBuild | If building a player, cached addressable data is not used, play mode is forced to Packed, and content update data is generated. |
System.Boolean | isDevBuild | True if the 'Development Build' option is |
System.Boolean | allowProfilerEvents | ResourceManager profiler events will be sent. |
System.Boolean | forceRebuild | If true, cached data is not used. |
System.Boolean | enteringPlayMode | If true and play mode is not Packed, addressable scenes will be added to the BuildPlayer settings scene list temporarily. |
BuildTargetGroup | buildTargetGroup | Target group for build. |
BuildTarget | buildTarget | Build target. |
System.String | playerBuildVersion | Player version. This is stored in the content update data. |
ResourceManagerRuntimeData.EditorPlayMode | playMode | Supported modes are Fast for quick iterate, Virtual for moderate iteration and simulated asset bundle behavior, and Packed for running against built asset bundles. Packed mode is set whenever a player is built as the other modes are not supported in the player. |
System.String | cacheDataPath | Path that content update data was stored. This value is null unless isPlayerBuild is true. |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean | True if the build succeeds. |
Purge all cached data for the Addressables system. NOTE: This API is going to be replaced soon with a more flexible build system.
public static void PurgeCache()