

public void ScrollTo(UIElements.VisualElement child);


child The child to scroll to.


Scroll to a specific child element.

This example creates a ScrollView that contains multiple labels. A Button is used to scroll to a selected label.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

[RequireComponent(typeof(UIDocument))] public class ScrollViewScrollToExample : MonoBehaviour { // To use this example in runtime, add a UIDocument component to your Scene and attach a UXML file to the UIDocument component. // The UXML file can be empty. public UIDocument uiDocument; public int numberOfPotions = 100; public int scrollToButton = 50;

Label[] labels;

void OnEnable() { var scrollView = new ScrollView { name = "MyPotionsInventory" }; var inventoryColor = new Color(0.65f, 0.3f, 0.2f, 1f);

// Create a list of labels representing potions, with a special label for the potion we want to scroll to. labels = new Label[numberOfPotions]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPotions; i++) { var label = new Label { text = " Unnamed Potion #" + (i) }; = inventoryColor;

if (scrollToButton == i) { label.text = "Very Important Potion"; = Color.yellow; }

labels[i] = label; scrollView.Add(label); }

// Add a title for the list and make it noticeable. var title = new Label { text = "Potions Inventory" }; = FontStyle.Bold; = 20; = inventoryColor; = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

var button = new Button { text = "Click to locate the Very Important Potion in the inventory" }; button.clicked += DoScrollTo;

uiDocument.rootVisualElement.Add(title); uiDocument.rootVisualElement.Add(button); uiDocument.rootVisualElement.Add(scrollView); }

void DoScrollTo() { var scrollView = uiDocument.rootVisualElement.Q<ScrollView>("MyPotionsInventory"); scrollView.ScrollTo(labels[scrollToButton]); } }

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