Parameter | Description |
name | Unique name of the search index. |
options | Indexing option set. |
roots | Search index roots, for example "Assets" to index all Assets under Assets. |
includes | Exclusive list of assets to be indexed. If this list is empty, everything will be indexed. |
excludes | Patterns to exclude assets to be indexed under roots. |
onIndexReady | Callback that gets invoked when the index is created and ready to be used. |
Create a new search index.
static string EnsureDecalPropertyIndexing() { var materialDb = SearchService.EnumerateDatabases().FirstOrDefault(IsIndexingMaterialProperties); if (materialDb != null) return; if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Create decal material index", "Your project does not contain an index with decal material properties." + "\n\n" + "Do you want to create one now?", "Yes", "No")) return null; var dbName = "Decals"; SearchService.CreateIndex(dbName, IndexingOptions.Properties | IndexingOptions.Dependencies | IndexingOptions.Types | IndexingOptions.Keep, roots: null, includes: new string[] { ".mat" }, excludes: null, (name, path, finished) => { Debug.Log($"Material index {name} created at {path}"); finished(); }); return dbName; } static bool IsIndexingMaterialProperties(ISearchDatabase db) { if (string.Equals(, "Materials", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return true; return (db.indexingOptions & IndexingOptions.Properties) == IndexingOptions.Properties && (db.includePatterns.Count == 0 || db.includePatterns.Contains(".mat")); }