Parameter | Description |
avatar | The avatar from which HumanPose will be read or written. The avatar must be a humanoid. |
root | The top most parent of the skeleton hierarchy defined in the humanoid avatar . This must match the avatar definition. |
jointPaths | A list that defines the avatar joint paths. Each joint path starts from the node after the root transform and continues down the avatar skeleton hierarchy. The root transform joint path is an empty string. |
Creates a human pose handler from an avatar
and a root
transform and either a list of joint paths.
Specify an avatar
and a root
transform to create a human pose from the skeleton hierarchy (avatar).
Specify an avatar
and a list of joint paths to create a human pose handler that is not bound to a skeleton transform hierarchy.
You can use a human pose handler created from joint paths to convert a human pose to or from an array of local joint transforms (jointPaths).
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Avatar avatar; public Transform avatarRoot;
void ParseAvatarTransformRecursive(Transform t, string parentPath, List<string> jointPaths, List<Transform> transforms) { string jointPath = parentPath.Length == 0 ? : parentPath + "/" +; jointPaths.Add(jointPath); transforms.Add(t);
foreach (Transform child in t) { ParseAvatarTransformRecursive(t, jointPath, jointPaths, transforms); } }
void ParseAvatarRootTransform(Transform rootTransform, List<string> jointPaths, List<Transform> transforms) { jointPaths.Add(""); // root tranform path is the empty string transforms.Add(rootTransform);
foreach (Transform t in rootTransform) { ParseAvatarTransformRecursive(t, "", jointPaths, transforms); } }
void Start() { List<string> jointPaths = new List<string>(); List<Transform> avatarTransforms = new List<Transform>(); ParseAvatarRootTransform(avatarRoot, jointPaths, avatarTransforms);
HumanPoseHandler humanPoseHandler = new HumanPoseHandler(avatar, jointPaths.ToArray()); NativeArray<float> avatarPose = new NativeArray<float>(jointPaths.Count * 7, Allocator.Persistent);
for (int i = 0; i < jointPaths.Count; ++i) { Vector3 position = avatarTransforms[i].localPosition; Quaternion rotation = avatarTransforms[i].localRotation; avatarPose[7 * i] = position.x; avatarPose[7 * i + 1] = position.y; avatarPose[7 * i + 2] = position.z; avatarPose[7 * i + 3] = rotation.x; avatarPose[7 * i + 4] = rotation.y; avatarPose[7 * i + 5] = rotation.z; avatarPose[7 * i + 6] = rotation.w; }
avatarPose.Dispose(); humanPoseHandler.Dispose(); } }
The above example creates a human pose handler from an avatar and a list of avatar joints. The example reads the pose from the avatar root transform and writes the pose to the human pose handler.