Version: Unity 6 (6000.0)
Language : English
QNX build settings reference
Deploy a QNX project

Build for QNX from the command line

To build a Unity project for the QNX system on the command line interface (CLI), you must have the Unity Editor installed on the build host. The build host must be running a Linux operating system and also have the QNX SDK installed. For more information, refer to Install the Unity Editor for QNX.

The following example uses the Linux variant of the executable (Unity), but you can replace it with an equivalent executable for your preferred build host’s operating system.

Command line arguments


Make sure you’ve followed these instructions before building the project using the command line:

To instruct Unity to start in CLI mode and build the project at <path-to-unity-project-root> for QNX, run the following command:

Unity -quit -batchmode -nographics -buildTarget QNX -executeMethod Builder.Build -projectPath <path-to-unity-project-root>

The build process also calls the function Builder.Build to continue with the build setup.

Build script

You can add the example build script into Assets/Editor/ for the project to you’re building from the command line. Use the -executeMethod option to call the Build() method of this class, which sets up the build options and triggers the build.

For more information, refer to the BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer documentation.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting;
using UnityEngine;

public class Builder
    private static void BuildQNX(QNXOsVersion qnxVersion, QNXArchitecture architecture)
        // Set QNX version in BuildSettings
        EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedQnxOsVersion = qnxVersion;

        // Set architecture in BuildSettings
        EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedQnxArchitecture = architecture;

        // Setup build options (e.g. scenes, build output location)
        var options = new BuildPlayerOptions
            // Change to scenes from your project
            scenes = new[]
            // Change to location the output should go
            locationPathName = "../QNXPlayer/",
            options = BuildOptions.CleanBuildCache | BuildOptions.StrictMode,
            target = BuildTarget.QNX

        var report = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(options);

        if (report.summary.result == BuildResult.Succeeded)
            Debug.Log($"Build successful - Build written to {options.locationPathName}");
        else if (report.summary.result == BuildResult.Failed)
            Debug.LogError($"Build failed");

    // This function will be called from the build process
    public static void Build()
        // Build QNX 7.1 ARM64 Unity player
        BuildQNX(QNXOsVersion.Neutrino71, QNXArchitecture.Arm64);

Additional resources

QNX build settings reference
Deploy a QNX project