Version: Unity 6 (6000.0)
Language : English
Fixed Joint 2D
Fixed Joint 2D component reference

Fixed Joint 2D fundamentals

The aim of this jointA physics component allowing a dynamic connection between Rigidbody components, usually allowing some degree of movement such as a hinge. More info
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is to maintain a relative linear and angular offset between two points. Those two points can be two RigidbodyA component that allows a GameObject to be affected by simulated gravity and other forces. More info
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components or a Rigidbody 2D component and a fixed position in the world. (Connect to a fixed position in the world by setting Connected Rigidbody to None).

The linear and angular offsets are based upon the relative positions and orientations of the two connected points, so you change the offsets by moving the connected GameObjectsThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. More info
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in your SceneA Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces. More info
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The joint applies both linear and torque forces to connected Rigidbody 2D GameObjects. It uses a simulated spring that is pre-configured to be as stiff as the simulation can provide. You can change the spring’s value to make it weaker using the Frequency setting.

When the spring applies its force between the GameObjects, it tends to overshoot the desired distance between them and then rebound repeatedly, resulting in a continuous oscillation. The damping ratioA joint setting to control spring oscillation. A higher damping ratio means the spring will come to rest faster. More info
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determines how quickly the oscillation reduces and brings the GameObjects to rest. The frequency is the rate at which it oscillates either side of the target distance; the higher the frequency, the stiffer the spring.

Fixed Joint 2D has two simultaneous constraints:

  • Maintain the linear offset between two anchor points on two Rigidbody 2D GameObjects.
  • Maintain the angular offset between two anchor points on two Rigidbody 2D GameObjects.

You can use this joint to construct physical GameObjects that need to react as if they are rigidly connected. They can’t move away from each other, they can’t move closer together, and they can’t rotate with respect to each other, such as a bridge made of sections which hold rigidly together.

You can also use this joint to create a less rigid connection that flexes - for example, a bridge made of sections which are slightly flexible.

Comparing Fixed and Relative joints 2D

It is important to know the major differences between Fixed JointA joint type that is completely constrained, allowing two objects to be held together. Implemented as a spring so some motion may still occur. More info
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2D and Relative Joint 2DA 2D joint that allows two game objects controlled by Rigidbody physics to maintain in a position based on each other’s location. Use this joint to keep two objects offset from each other, at a position and angle you decide More info
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  • Fixed Joint 2DA 2D joint type which is completely constrained, allowing two objects to be held together. Implemented as a spring so some small motion may still occur. More info
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    is a spring-type joint. Relative Joint 2D is a motor-type joint with a maximum force and/or torque.
  • Fixed Joint 2D uses a spring to maintain the relative linear and angular offsets. Relative Joint 2D uses a motor. You can configure a joint’s spring or motor.
  • Fixed Joint 2D works with anchor points (it’s derived from script Anchored Joint 2D); it maintains the relative linear and angular offset between the anchors. Relative Joint 2D doesn’t have anchor points (it’s derived directly from script Joint 2D).
  • Fixed Joint 2D cannot modify the relative linear and angular offsets in real time. Relative Joint 2D can.

Additional resources

Fixed Joint 2D
Fixed Joint 2D component reference