anisoLevel | Anisotropic filtering level of the texture. |
borderMipmap | Keep texture borders the same when generating mipmaps? |
compressionQuality | Quality of Texture Compression in the range [0..100]. |
convertToNormalmap | Convert heightmap to normal map? |
fadeout | Fade out mip levels to gray color? |
filterMode | Filtering mode of the texture. |
generateCubemap | Cubemap generation mode. |
generateMipsInLinearSpace | Should mip maps be generated with gamma correction? |
grayscaleToAlpha | Generate alpha channel from intensity? |
heightmapScale | Amount of bumpyness in the heightmap. |
isReadable | Is texture data readable from scripts. |
lightmap | Is this texture a lightmap? |
linearTexture | When in linear rendering should this texture be sampled with hardware gamma correction (sRGB) or without (linear)? |
maxTextureSize | Maximum texture size. |
mipMapBias | Mip map bias of the texture. |
mipmapEnabled | Generate mip maps for the texture? |
mipmapFadeDistanceEnd | Mip level where texture is faded out completely. |
mipmapFadeDistanceStart | Mip level where texture begins to fade out. |
mipmapFilter | Mipmap filtering mode. |
normalmap | Is this texture a normal map? |
normalmapFilter | Normal map filtering mode. |
npotScale | Scaling mode for non power of two textures. |
qualifiesForSpritePacking | Returns true if this TextureImporter is setup for Sprite packing. |
spriteBorder | Border sizes of the generated sprites. |
spriteImportMode | Selects Single or Manual import mode for Sprite textures. |
spritePackingTag | Selects the Sprite packing tag. |
spritePivot | The point in the Sprite object's coordinate space where the graphic is located. |
spritePixelsToUnits | Scale factor for mapping pixels in the graphic to units in world space. |
spritesheet | Array representing the sections of the atlas corresponding to individual sprite graphics. |
textureFormat | Format of imported texture. |
textureType | Which type of texture are we dealing with here. |
wrapMode | Wrap mode (Repeat or Clamp) of the texture. |