Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

  • JS
  • C#
  • Boo
Script language

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static function ScaleHandle(scale: Vector3, position: Vector3, rotation: Quaternion, size: float): Vector3;
static Vector3 ScaleHandle(Vector3 scale, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float size);
static def ScaleHandle(scale as Vector3, position as Vector3, rotation as Quaternion, size as float) as Vector3


scaleScale to modify.
positionThe position of the handle.
rotationThe rotation of the handle.


Vector3 The new scale vector.

Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.


Make a Scene view scale handle.

This will behave like the built-in scale tool

Scale handle that will appear whenever you select the GameObject.

	// Creates a "Big" (5 times size) Scale handle that will be present whenever
	// you select the target Game Object
	@CustomEditor (ScaleAtPoint)
	class ScaleHandleJS extends Editor {
		function OnSceneGUI () {
	        target.sc = Handles.ScaleHandle (target.sc, 
	        if (GUI.changed)
	            EditorUtility.SetDirty (target);

And the script Attached to this Handle:

	// ScaleAtPoint.js
	// Usage: Place this script on the Game Object you want to use the
	// editor-created scale handle.
	@script ExecuteInEditMode()
	var sc : Vector3 = Vector3(1,1,1);
	function Update () {
		transform.localScale = sc;