Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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Script language

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static function SetDirty(target: Object): void;
static void SetDirty(Object target);
static def SetDirty(target as Object) as void


Marks target object as dirty.

Unity internally uses the dirty flag to find out when assets have changed and need to be saved to disk.

E.g. if you modify a prefab's MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject variables, you must tell Unity that the value has changed. Unity builtin components internally call SetDirty whenever a property changes. MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject don't do this automatically so if you want your value to be saved you need to call SetDirty.

	#pragma strict
	// This example shows a custom inspector for an
	// object "MyPlayerEditor", which has two variables, speed and ammo.
	class MyPlayerEditor extends Editor {
		function OnInspectorGUI()
			var targetPlayer = target as MyPlayer;
			EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Some help", "Some other text");

GUI.changed = false; targetPlayer.speed = EditorGUILayout.Slider ("Speed", targetPlayer.speed, 0, 100); if (GUI.changed) EditorUtility.SetDirty(targetPlayer); } }