Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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Script language

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static function EndScrollView(): void;
static void EndScrollView();
static def EndScrollView() as void
static function EndScrollView(handleScrollWheel: bool): void;
static void EndScrollView(bool handleScrollWheel);
static def EndScrollView(handleScrollWheel as bool) as void


Ends a scrollview started with a call to BeginScrollView.

	// The position on of the scrolling viewport
	var scrollPosition : Vector2 = Vector2.zero;

function OnGUI () { // An absolute-positioned example: We make a scrollview that has a really large client // rect and put it in a small rect on the screen. scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView (Rect (10,300,100,100), scrollPosition, Rect (0, 0, 220, 200)); // Make four buttons - one in each corner. The coordinate system is defined // by the last parameter to BeginScrollView. GUI.Button (Rect (0,0,100,20), "Top-left"); GUI.Button (Rect (120,0,100,20), "Top-right"); GUI.Button (Rect (0,180,100,20), "Bottom-left"); GUI.Button (Rect (120,180,100,20), "Bottom-right"); // End the scroll view that we began above. GUI.EndScrollView (); }

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
    public Vector2 scrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
    void OnGUI() {
        scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(10, 300, 100, 100), scrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, 220, 200));
        GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 20), "Top-left");
        GUI.Button(new Rect(120, 0, 100, 20), "Top-right");
        GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 180, 100, 20), "Bottom-left");
        GUI.Button(new Rect(120, 180, 100, 20), "Bottom-right");
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class ExampleClass(MonoBehaviour):

	public scrollPosition as Vector2 = Vector2.zero

	def OnGUI() as void:
		scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(Rect(10, 300, 100, 100), scrollPosition, Rect(0, 0, 220, 200))
		GUI.Button(Rect(0, 0, 100, 20), 'Top-left')
		GUI.Button(Rect(120, 0, 100, 20), 'Top-right')
		GUI.Button(Rect(0, 180, 100, 20), 'Bottom-left')
		GUI.Button(Rect(120, 180, 100, 20), 'Bottom-right')