Returns the value corresponding to key
in the preference file if it exists.
If it doesn't exist, it will return defaultValue
Add one or more script to the selected GameObjects.
// Simple Editor Script that adds one or more scripts // to the selected GameObjectsclass ScriptAdder extends EditorWindow { var numComponents = 1; var componentsToAdd : MonoScript[]; @MenuItem("Examples/Script Adder") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(ScriptAdder); window.Show(); } function Awake() { numComponents = EditorPrefs.GetInt("NumberOfComponents", 1); componentsToAdd = new MonoScript[numComponents]; } function OnDestroy() { EditorPrefs.SetInt("NumberOfComponents", numComponents); } function OnGUI() { if(GUILayout.Button("Clear all components")) for(var c : MonoScript in componentsToAdd) c = null; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if(GUILayout.Button("-")) IncreaseDecreaseComponents(-1); if(GUILayout.Button("+")) IncreaseDecreaseComponents(1); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();
for(var i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) componentsToAdd[i] = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Component", componentsToAdd[i], MonoScript);
if(GUILayout.Button("Add to selection")) if(Selection.activeGameObject) for(var go : GameObject in Selection.gameObjects) for(var c : MonoScript in componentsToAdd) go.AddComponent(c.GetClass()); } function IncreaseDecreaseComponents(num : int) { if(numComponents + num == 0) { numComponents = 1; return; } numComponents += num ; var newArray : MonoScript[] = new MonoScript[numComponents]; var count = 0; if(num > 0) for(count = 0; count < componentsToAdd.Length; count++) newArray[count] = componentsToAdd[count]; else for(count = 0; count < newArray.Length; count++) newArray[count] = componentsToAdd[count]; componentsToAdd = newArray; } }