Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

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static function IntPopup(position: Rect, selectedValue: int, displayedOptions: string[], optionValues: int[], style: GUIStyle = EditorStyles.popup): int;
static function IntPopup(position: Rect, selectedValue: int, displayedOptions: GUIContent[], optionValues: int[], style: GUIStyle = EditorStyles.popup): int;
static function IntPopup(position: Rect, label: string, selectedValue: int, displayedOptions: string[], optionValues: int[], style: GUIStyle = EditorStyles.popup): int;
static function IntPopup(position: Rect, label: GUIContent, selectedValue: int, displayedOptions: GUIContent[], optionValues: int[], style: GUIStyle = EditorStyles.popup): int;


positionRectangle on the screen to use for the field.
labelOptional label in front of the field.
selectedValueThe value of the option the field shows.
displayedOptionsAn array with the displayed options the user can choose from.
optionValuesAn array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.
styleOptional GUIStyle.


int The value of the option that has been selected by the user.


Make an integer popup selection field.

Takes the currently selected integer as a parameter and returns the integer selected by the user.

Int Popup in an Editor Window.

	// Multiplies the scale of the selected transform.
	class EditorGUIIntPopup extends EditorWindow {

var selectedSize : int = 1; var names : String[] = ["Double", "Triple", "Quadruple"]; var sizes : int[] = [2,3,4]; @MenuItem("Examples/Editor GUI Int Popup usage") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(EditorGUIIntPopup); window.position = Rect(0,0,180,60); window.Show(); } function OnGUI() { selectedSize = EditorGUI.IntPopup( Rect(3,3,position.width - 6,20), "Size:", selectedSize, names, sizes); if(GUI.Button(Rect(0,25,position.width,position.height - 27), "Modify")) Rescale(); } function Rescale() { if(Selection.activeTransform) Selection.activeTransform.localScale *= selectedSize; else Debug.LogError("No Object selected, please select an object to scale."); } }

static function IntPopup(position: Rect, property: SerializedProperty, displayedOptions: GUIContent[], optionValues: int[], label: GUIContent = null): void;


positionRectangle on the screen to use for the field.
propertyThe SerializedProperty to use for the control.
displayedOptionsAn array with the displayed options the user can choose from.
optionValuesAn array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.
labelOptional label in front of the field.
