Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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Script language

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Namespace: UnityEditor


Lets you programmatically build players or AssetBundles which can be loaded from the web.

Static Variables

isBuildingPlayerIs a player currently being built?

Static Functions

BuildAssetBundleBuilds an asset bundle (Unity Pro only).
BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNamesBuilds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets (Unity Pro only).
BuildPlayerBuilds a player (Unity Pro only).
BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundleBuilds one or more scenes and all their dependencies into a compressed asset bundle.
PopAssetDependenciesLets you manage cross-references and dependencies between different asset bundles and player builds.
PushAssetDependenciesLets you manage cross-references and dependencies between different asset bundles and player builds.