Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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Script language

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static function BuildPlayer(levels: string[], locationPathName: string, target: BuildTarget, options: BuildOptions): string;
static string BuildPlayer(string[] levels, string locationPathName, BuildTarget target, BuildOptions options);
static def BuildPlayer(levels as string[], locationPathName as string, target as BuildTarget, options as BuildOptions) as string


levelsThe scenes to be included in the build. If empty, the currently open scene will be built. Paths are relative to the project folder (Assets/MyLevels/MyScene.unity).
locationPathNameThe path where the application will be built.
targetThe BuildTarget to build.
optionsAdditional BuildOptions, like whether to run the built player.


string An error message if an error occurred.


Builds a player (Unity Pro only).

Use this function to programatically create a build of your project. Note that any references to GameObjects acquired in the editor script before the BuildPlayer call will be invalid after it and will need to be reacquired.

	// Build a folder containing unity3d file and html file
	@MenuItem ("Build/BuildWebplayer")
	static function MyBuild(){
		var levels : String[] = ["Assets/Scene1.unity", "Assets/Scene2.unity"];
		BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer( levels, "WebPlayerBuild", 
					   BuildTarget.WebPlayer, BuildOptions.None); 