The Interactive Cloth class is a Component that simulates a "cloth-like" behavior on a mesh. Use this Component if you want to use cloth in your scene.
Bending Stiffness | Bending stiffness of the cloth. |
Stretching Stiffness | Stretching Stiffness of the cloth. |
Damping | Damp cloth motion. |
Thickness | The thickness of the cloth surface. |
Use Gravity | Should Gravity affect the cloth simulation?. |
Self Collision | Will the cloth collide with itself?. |
External Acceleration | A constant, external acceleration applied to the cloth |
Random Acceleration | A random, external acceleration applied to the cloth |
Mesh | Mesh that will be used by the interactive cloth for the simulation |
Friction | The friction of the cloth. |
Density | The density of the cloth. |
Pressure | The pressure inside the cloth/ |
Collision Response | How much force will be applied to colliding rigidbodies?. |
Attachment Tear Factor | How far attached rigid bodies need to be stretched, before they will tear off. |
Attachment Response | How much force will be applied to attached rigidbodies?. |
Tear Factor | How far cloth vertices need to be stretched, before the cloth will tear. |
Attached Colliders | Array that contains the attached colliders to this cloth |
The Interactive Cloth Component depends of the Cloth Renderer Component, this means that this component cannot be removed if the Cloth Renderer is present in the Game Object.
Cast Shadows | If selected the cloth will cast shadows |
Receive Shadows | The cloth can receive Shadows if enabled |
Materials | Materials that the cloth will use. |
Use Light Probes | If selected, light probes will be enabled. |
Light Probe Anchor | Light Probe lighting is interpolated at the center of the Renderer's bounds or at the position of the anchor, if assigned. |
Pause When Not Visible | If selected, the simulation will not be calculated when the cloth is not being rendered by the camera. |
To add an Interactive Cloth in the scene just select GameObject->Create Other->Cloth.
Page last updated: 2012-12-10