Quaternion.operator *

static operator * (lhs : Quaternion, rhs : Quaternion) : Quaternion


Combines rotations lhs and rhs.

Rotating by the product lhs * rhs is the same as applying the two rotations in sequence, lhs first and then rhs. Note that this means rotations are not commutative, so lhs * rhs does not give the same rotation as rhs * lhs.

    // Applies the rotation of
// extraRotation to the current rotation.
var extraRotation : Transform;
transform.rotation *= extraRotation.rotation;

static operator * (rotation : Quaternion, point : Vector3) : Vector3


Rotates the point point with rotation.

    // Moves the object along relativeDirection
// Usually you would use transform.Translate for this
var relativeDirection = Vector3.forward;
function Update () {
var absoluteDirection = transform.rotation * relativeDirection;
transform.position += absoluteDirection * Time.deltaTime;