
function OnDestroy () : void


OnDestroy is called when the EditorWindow is closed.

Displays a log with the number of times that the object was deformed after closing the window.

// Simple editor script that separates slightly a mesh from its triangles.
// and prints after closing the inspector how many times the user distortionated the mesh
// Note the mesh will be updated when you focus the scene view.

class TearMeshApart extends EditorWindow {

var noiseCounter = 0;
var distortionRange = 0.1;
@MenuItem("Example/Distortionate Mesh")
static function Init() {
var window = GetWindow(TearMeshApart);
window.position = Rect(0,0,200,80);

function OnGUI() {
GUILayout.Label("Select an object to distortionate");
if(GUILayout.Button("Distortionate")) {
if(GUILayout.Button("Close")) {
function AddNoiseToMesh() {
var objectMesh =
Selection.activeTransform ?
Selection.activeTransform.GetComponent(MeshFilter) : null;

if(!objectMesh) {
Debug.LogError("Please select a Game Object with a MeshFilter");
var verts : Vector3[] = objectMesh.sharedMesh.vertices;
for(var i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
verts[i] += Vector3(
Random.Range(-distortionRange, distortionRange) - distortionRange/2,
Random.Range(-distortionRange, distortionRange) - distortionRange/2,
Random.Range(-distortionRange, distortionRange) - distortionRange/2);
objectMesh.sharedMesh.vertices = verts;

function OnDestroy() {
Debug.Log("Deformed the object " + noiseCounter + " times.");