
static function BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames (assets : Object[], assetNames : string[], pathName : String, assetBundleOptions : BuildAssetBundleOptions = BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies | BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets, targetPlatform : BuildTarget = BuildTarget.WebPlayer) : boolean


Builds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets (Unity Pro only).

Creates a compressed unity3d file that contains a collection of assets. AssetBundles can contain any asset found in the project folder. In the assetNames parameter, supply an array of strings of the same size as the number of assets. These will be used as asset names, which you can then pass to AssetBundle.Load to load a specific asset. Use BuildAssetBundle to just use the asset's path names instead. The compressed asset bundle file will be saved at pathName. options allows you to automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.

See Also: BuildAssetBundle, AssetBundle class, WWW.assetBundle.