v4.0.0 (others)

AssetBundles FAQ

  1. What are AssetBundles?
  2. What are they used for?
  3. How do I create an AssetBundle?
  4. How do I use an AssetBundle?
  5. How do I use AssetBundles in the Editor?
  6. How do I cache AssetBundles?
  7. Are AssetBundles cross-platform?
  8. How are assets in AssetBundles identified
  9. Can I reuse my AssetBundles in another game?
  10. Will an AssetBundle built now be usable with future versions of Unity?
  11. How can I list the objects in an AssetBundle?

  1. What are AssetBundles?

AssetBundles are a collection of assets, packaged for loading at runtime. With Asset Bundles, you can dynamically load and unload new content into your application. AssetBundles can be used to implement post-release DLC.

  1. What are they used for?

They can be used to reduce the amount of space on disk used by your game, when first deployed. It can also be used to add new content to an already published game.

  1. How do I create an AssetBundle?

To create an AssetBundle you need to use the BuildPipeline editor class. All scripts using Editor classes must be placed in a folder named Editor, anywhere in the Assets folder. Here is an example of such a script in C#:

+ Show [Creating an AssetBundle] +