Calculates and returns a list of all assets the assets listed in roots depend on.
Show list of all assets the assets listed in roots depend on.
// Show list of all assets the assets listed in roots depend on.
// on the selected GameObject
class EditorUtilityCollectDeepHierarchy extends EditorWindow {
var obj : GameObject = null;
@MenuItem("Examples/Select Dependencies")
static function Init() {
var window = GetWindow(EditorUtilityCollectDeepHierarchy);
window.position = Rect(0, 0, 250, 80);
function OnInspectorUpdate() {
function OnGUI() {
obj = EditorGUI.ObjectField(Rect(3,3,position.width - 6, 20),
"Find Dependency",
if(obj) {
if(GUI.Button(Rect(3,25,position.width - 6, 20), "Check Dependencies"))
Selection.objects = EditorUtility.CollectDeepHierarchy([obj]);
} else {
EditorGUI.LabelField(Rect(3,25,position.width - 6,20),
"Select an object first");