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Global physics properties and helper methods.
gravity |
The gravity applied to all rigid bodies in the scene. |
minPenetrationForPenalty |
The minimum contact penetration value in order to apply a penalty force (default 0.05). Must be positive. |
bounceThreshold |
Two colliding objects with a relative velocity below this will not bounce (default 2). Must be positive. |
sleepVelocity |
The default linear velocity, below which objects start going to sleep (default 0.15). Must be positive. |
sleepAngularVelocity |
The default angular velocity, below which objects start sleeping (default 0.14). Must be positive. |
maxAngularVelocity |
The default maximimum angular velocity permitted for any rigid bodies (default 7). Must be positive. |
solverIterationCount |
The default solver iteration count permitted for any rigid bodies (default 7). Must be positive. |
Raycast |
Casts a ray against all colliders in the scene. |
RaycastAll |
Casts a ray through the scene and returns all hits. Note that order is not guaranteed. |
Linecast |
Returns true if there is any collider intersecting the line between start and end. |
OverlapSphere |
Returns an array with all colliders touching or inside the sphere. |
CapsuleCast |
Casts a capsule against all colliders in the scene and returns detailed information on what was hit. |
SphereCast |
Casts a sphere against all colliders in the scene and returns detailed information on what was hit. |
CapsuleCastAll |
Like Physics.CapsuleCast, but this function will return all hits the capsule sweep intersects. |
SphereCastAll |
Like Physics.SphereCast, but this function will return all hits the sphere sweep intersects. |
CheckSphere |
Returns true if there are any colliders touching the sphere defined by position and radius in world coordinates |
CheckCapsule |
Returns true if there are any colliders touching the capsule defined by the axis going from start and end and having radius in world coordinates |
IgnoreCollision |
Makes the collision detection system ignore all collisions between collider1 and collider2. |
IgnoreLayerCollision |
Makes the collision detection system ignore all collisions between any collider in layer1 and any collider in layer2. |
GetIgnoreLayerCollision |
Are collisions between layer1 and layer2 being ignored? |