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public LayerMask callbackLayers;


The Layers that this Collider2D will report collision or trigger callbacks for during a contact with another Collider2D.

When a contact occurs between two Collider2D, each Collider2D will get a collision or trigger callback. This options allows you to select which layer(s) will produce a callback.

The ability to limit which layers will result in a callback can reduce the complexity of the script inside the callback so that it can safely assume only specific layers will be reported. There is also a performance benefit in not performing callbacks that are not required.

These are all the physics callbacks which are affected by callback layers:


  • This does not control whether the Collider2D will come into contact or not but simply if the resultant callback will happen.
  • Even if all callback layers are selected, only contacts captured via Collider2D.contactCaptureLayers, will be reported.
  • The other Collider2D involved in any contact callback disabled here will still receive callbacks defined by its own callbackLayers property.
  • Normally both the Collider2D and the Rigidbody2D it is attached to receive a callback therefore this option controls both those component callbacks.
  • When enabling callback layers where callbacks already exist, those contacts will not be reported as new contacts i.e. there will not be an OnCollisionEnter2D or OnTriggerEnter2D callback produced.

Additional resources: LayerMask.