This version of Unity is unsupported.


public static Unity.Android.Gradle.Manifest.Action focusedWindowChanged;


Called whenever the focused editor window is changed.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class FocusedWindowTracker : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Window/Focused Window Tracker")] private static void ShowTracker() => GetWindow<FocusedWindowTracker>();

private void OnGUI() => GUILayout.Label("I'm logging every focused window");

private void OnEnable() { EditorWindow.focusedWindowChanged += TrackFocusedWindow; }

private void OnDisable() { EditorWindow.focusedWindowChanged -= TrackFocusedWindow; }

private static void TrackFocusedWindow() { Debug.Log($"Current focused window is {focusedWindow.titleContent.text}."); } }