Notarize with altool

Deliver applications to the Mac App Store

This page has information about Mac App Store delivery requirements.

Delivery requirements

If you want to distribute your application to the Mac App Store, then the upload process includes a similar content validation to notarization, which means that you don’t have to notarize your application. However, when you build your macOS application, the Mac App Store has additional requirements.


Before you build your application, enable the Mac App Store Validation property. To do this:

  1. Open Project Settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Go to Player > Other Settings > Mac App Store Options.
  3. Enable Mac App Store Validation.

Enabling the Mac App Store Validation option means that your application only runs when it holds a valid receipt from the Mac App Store. It prevents people from running the application on a different computer than the one they purchased.

Signing identity

To distribute your application via the Mac App Store, Apple requires you to use one of the following signing identities when you code sign your application:

Signing Identity Format
Mac App Distribution 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: TTT
Apple Distribution Apple Distribution: TTT

Note: Replace TTT with your team identity.

Submit a macOS application

For information on how to submit your application to the Mac App Store, refer to the Submit and promote section in Submitting apps to the Mac App Store.

Additional resources

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Notarize with altool