Version: 2021.3
  • C#



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Profiler category colors enum.

Use ProfilerCategoryColor to specific color of ProfilerCategory samples in the Timeline view of the CPU Usage Profiler module.


RenderRender category markers color.
ScriptsScripts category markers color.
BurstJobsBurst Jobs category markers color.
OtherMultiple miscellaneous categories markers color.
PhysicsPhysics category markers color.
AnimationAnimation category markers color.
AudioAudio category markers color.
AudioJobAudio Jobs category markers color.
AudioUpdateJobAudio Update Jobs category markers color.
LightingLighting and Global Illumination category markers color.
GCGarbage Collection category markers color.
VSyncRendering Vertical Sync category markers color.
MemoryMemory Allocation category markers color.
InternalInternal category markers color.
UIUser Interface category markers color.
BuildBuild System category markers color.
InputInput category markers color.