This version of Unity is unsupported.



public NVIDIA.DLSSContext CreateFeature(Rendering.CommandBuffer cmd, ref NVIDIA.DLSSCommandInitializationData initSettings);


cmd The rendering command buffer to record commands into. This call does not execute the command buffer, you must execute the command buffer yourself at any time after this call.
initSettings Initial settings structure for the specific feature.


DLSSContext Returns a Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) context object.


Creates a specific NVIDIA feature.

initSettings must belong to the feature you want to create. A usual use case is to call this function once per view you want to apply the feature too. For example, if your application uses two screens, call this function for each screen respectively. When the application no longer requires the feature (for example a view is destroyed), the application must call GraphicsDevice.DestroyFeature to recover the allocated memory.