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public static Color ColorField(Rect position, Color value);
public static Color ColorField(Rect position, string label, Color value);
public static Color ColorField(Rect position, GUIContent label, Color value);
public static Color ColorField(Rect position, GUIContent label, Color value, bool showEyedropper, bool showAlpha, bool hdr, ColorPickerHDRConfig hdrConfig);


positionRectangle on the screen to use for the field.
labelOptional label to display in front of the field.
valueThe color to edit.
showEyedropperIf true, the color picker should show the eyedropper control. If false, don't show it.
showAlphaIf true, allow the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hide the alpha component.
hdrIf true, treat the color as an HDR value. If false, treat it as a standard LDR value.
hdrConfigAn object that sets the presentation parameters for an HDR color. If not using an HDR color, set this to null.


Color The color selected by the user.


Make a field for selecting a Color.

Color field in an Editor Window.

// Change The color of the selected Game Objects
class EditorGUIColorField extends EditorWindow {

var matColor : Color = Color.white;

@MenuItem("Examples/Mass Color Change") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(EditorGUIColorField); window.position = Rect(0,0,170,60); window.Show(); }

function OnGUI() { matColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(Rect(3,3,position.width - 6, 15), "New Color:", matColor); if(GUI.Button(Rect(3,25,position.width-6, 30),"Change!")) ChangeColors(); }

function ChangeColors() { if(Selection.activeGameObject) for(var t: GameObject in Selection.gameObjects) {

var rend = t.GetComponent.<Renderer>();

if(rend != null) rend.sharedMaterial.color = matColor; } } }