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public static method BuildAssetBundles(outputPath: string, assetBundleOptions: BuildAssetBundleOptions, targetPlatform: BuildTarget): AssetBundleManifest;


outputPathOutput path for the AssetBundles.
assetBundleOptionsAssetBundle building options.
targetPlatformChosen target build platform.


AssetBundleManifest The manifest listing all AssetBundles included in this build.


Build all AssetBundles specified in the editor.

Use this function to build your asset bundles, after you have marked your assets for inclusion in named AssetBundles. (See the Manual page about building AssetBundles for further details). This function builds the bundles you have specified in the editor and will return the manifest that includes all of the included assets. if the build was successful and false otherwise. Additionally, error messages are shown in the console to explain most common build failures such as incorrect target folder paths.

The outputPath is a path to a folder somewhere within the project folder where the built bundles will be saved (eg, "Assets/MyBundleFolder"). The folder will not be created automatically and the function will simply fail if it doesn't already exist.

The optional assetBundleOptions argument modify the way the bundle is built while the targetPlatform/ selects which deployment target (Windows Standalone, Android, iOS, etc) the bundle will be used with. Note that bundles built for standalone platforms are not compatible with those built for mobiles and so you may need to produce different versions of a given bundle. See the BuildTarget section of the Building AssetBundles page in the Manual for more information about creating AssetBundles for different platforms.

The return value is of type AssetBundleManifest. This contains a list of all the assets included in the AssetBundle. Null is returned if any problems occur.

#pragma strict
// Create an AssetBundle for Windows.
public class BuildAssetBundlesExample extends MonoBehaviour {
	@MenuItem("Example/Build Asset Bundles")
	static function BuildABs() {
		// Put the bundles in a folder called "ABs" within the Assets folder.
		BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles("Assets/ABs", BuildAssetBundleOptions.None, BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows);

public static method BuildAssetBundles(outputPath: string, builds: AssetBundleBuild[], assetBundleOptions: BuildAssetBundleOptions, targetPlatform: BuildTarget): AssetBundleManifest;


outputPathOutput path for the AssetBundles.
buildsAssetBundle building map.
assetBundleOptionsAssetBundle building options.
targetPlatformTarget build platform.


AssetBundleManifest The manifest listing all AssetBundles included in this build.


Build AssetBundles from a building map.

This variant of the function lets you specify the names and contents of the bundles using a "build map" rather than with the details set in the editor. The map is simply an array of AssetBundleBuild objects, each of which contains a bundle name and a list of the names of asset files to be added to the named bundle.

#pragma strict
public class BuildAssetBundlesBuildMapExample extends MonoBehaviour {
	@MenuItem("Example/Build Asset Bundles Using BuildMap")
	static function BuildMapABs() {
		// Create the array of bundle build details.
		var buildMap: AssetBundleBuild[] = new AssetBundleBuild[2];
		buildMap[0].assetBundleName = "enemybundle";
		var enemyAssets: String[] = new String[2];
		enemyAssets[0] = "Assets/Textures/char_enemy_alienShip.jpg";
		enemyAssets[1] = "Assets/Textures/char_enemy_alienShip-damaged.jpg";
		buildMap[0].assetNames = enemyAssets;
		buildMap[1].assetBundleName = "herobundle";
		var heroAssets: String[] = new String[1];
		heroAssets[0] = "char_hero_beanMan";
		buildMap[1].assetNames = heroAssets;
		BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles("Assets/ABs", buildMap, BuildAssetBundleOptions.None, BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows);