Configuring Flare elements
Lens Flare component reference

Flare asset reference

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Explore the properties in the Flare asset to create and configure a Flare.

Property Function
Elements The number of Flare images included in the Flare.
        Image Index Which Flare image to use from the Flare Texture for this Element.
        Position The Element’s offset along a line running from the containing GameObjectThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. More info
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’s position through the screen center. 0 = GameObject position, 1 = screen center.
        Size The size of the element.
        Color Color tint of the element.
        Use Light Color If the Flare is attached to a Light, enabling this will tint the Flare with the Light’s color.
        Rotate If enabled, bottom of the Element will always face the center of the screen, making the Element spin as the Lens FlareA component that simulates the effect of lights refracting inside a camera lens. Use a Lens Flare to represent very bright lights or add atmosphere to your scene. More info
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moves around on the screen.
        ZoomA camera control that lets you scale the view on your screen. To zoom a camera in the Unity Editor, press Alt + right click and drag. More info
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If enabled, the Element will scale up when it becomes visible and scale down again when it isn’t.
        Fade If enabled, the Element will fade in to full strength when it becomes visible and fade out when it isn’t.
Flare Texture A texture containing images used by this Flare’s Elements. It must be arranged according to one of the TextureLayout options.
Texture Layout How the individual Flare Element images are laid out inside the Flare Texture (see Configuring Flare Elements: Understand texture layouts for further details).
Use Fog If enabled, the Flare will fade away with distance fog. This is used commonly for small Flares.

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Configuring Flare elements
Lens Flare component reference