Version: 2017.2
public static bool ClearCache ();
public static bool ClearCache (int expiration);


expiration AssetBundle 可以在缓存中保持未使用状态的秒数。


bool 缓存清除成功时为 true,如果缓存处于使用状态,则为 false。


Removes all AssetBundle and Procedural Material content that has been cached by the current application.

This function is not available to WebPlayer applications that use the shared cache.

See Also: Downloading Asset Bundles, Procedural Materials Caching.

using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { void ClearCacheExample() { Directory.CreateDirectory("Cache1"); Directory.CreateDirectory("Cache2"); Directory.CreateDirectory("Cache3");

Caching.AddCache("Cache1"); //Placed in cache list at position 1 Caching.AddCache("Cache2"); //Placed in cache list at position 2 Caching.AddCache("Cache3"); //Placed in cache list at position 3

//Clears all of the caches bool success = Caching.ClearCache();

if (!success) { Debug.Log("Unable to clear cache"); } } }

5.4.0 及更高版本不支持 Web 播放器。