Search syntax
Use this syntax to get precise results for searches in the Open dialog and Projector properties.
In the Open dialog, search for files by name or metadata stored in the Tree Info window.
In the Projector properties, refine a search for target or Base generators.
Enter a single search word or use a multi-word expression with operators to get precise results. Unless otherwise specified, matches are not case-sensitive.
Operator | Meaning |
| | or |
& | and |
! | not |
() | grouping |
* | wildcard, match any number of characters |
? | wildcard, match any single character |
" " | surround a string to ignore operators |
= | as the prefix, exact match, not case-sensitive |
== | as the prefix, exact match, case sensitive |
Search query | What it finds |
oak | Everything that contains the string ‘oak’ |
oak | palm | oak or palm |
pine & hero | pine and hero |
leaf & !palm | leaf, but not palm |
(oak | apple) & !sapling | oak or apple, but not sapling |
oak sapling | Everything that contains the string ‘oak sapling’ |
=oak sapling | Exactly ‘oak sapling’, case insensitive |
oak*sapling | oak |
"oak*sapling" | Everything that contains the string ‘oak*sapling’ |