Proxy generator
This generator has been deprecated. World building functionality was removed as of SpeedTree 8.0.
The Proxy Generator is responsible for generating proxy nodes. Proxies are generally stand-in objects that represent individual trees in a complete forest scene.
The Generation properties are described in full detail under Generation Properties.
The properties in this group control the behavior of forces on this generator.
Allow Forces
When enabled, all forces that are checked will act on the generator.
Each force in the scene has an entry here. Check the box next to the name to enable the force for this generator. The value set here is multiplied by the strength of the force before being applied to the branch. The profile curve controls how much force is applied along the branch.
Click on the force name to edit the force's properties.
Random Seeds
Properties that have variance are given random values based on a seed value in this group. Vary the seeds in this group to randomize only the properties associated with the seed type.
Randomize All
Randomizes the value for all seeds used to compute this generator.
Rotation: Up
Rotates each proxy around the local X-axis.
Rotation: Out
Rotates each proxy around the local Z axis.
Rotation: Right
Rotates each proxy around the local Y axis.
Spike Height
The height of the proxies if no meshes are assigned (spike mode).
Spike Radius
The radius of the proxies if no meshes are assigned (spike mode).
Multiple proxies can be defined and applied to nodes at random. Use the button controls to add [+] or remove [-] meshes.
A named mesh asset (or a "spike" for simple placeholders).
A named material asset.
The probability that any node will receive this proxy mesh (this weight ÷ sum of all weights).
Enables proxy collision for this generator.
Global Scale
Scales the size of the collision volumes as they pertain to colliding with objects from other generators.
Self Scale
Scales the size of the collision volumes as they pertain to colliding with objects from within the same generator
Weight Scale
Scales the likelihood that proxies within this generator will survive the collision detection pass.