Texture importer lets you modify Texture2D import settings from editor scripts.
Settings of this class match the ones exposed in Texture Import Settings.
allowAlphaSplitting | Allows alpha splitting on relevant platforms for this texture. |
alphaIsTransparency | If the provided alpha channel is transparency, enable this to prefilter the color to avoid filtering artifacts. |
alphaSource | Select how the alpha of the imported texture is generated. |
anisoLevel | Anisotropic filtering level of the texture. |
borderMipmap | Keep texture borders the same when generating mipmaps? |
compressionQuality | Quality of Texture Compression in the range [0..100]. |
convertToNormalmap | Преобразование высот в карту нормалей? |
crunchedCompression | Use crunched compression when available. |
fadeout | Fade out mip levels to gray color? |
filterMode | Режим фильтрации текстур |
generateCubemap | Cubemap generation mode. |
heightmapScale | Amount of bumpyness in the heightmap. |
isReadable | Set this to true if you want texture data to be readable from scripts. Set it to false to prevent scripts from reading texture data. |
maxTextureSize | Максимальный размер текстуры |
mipMapBias | Mip map bias of the texture. |
mipmapEnabled | Generate Mip Maps. |
mipmapFadeDistanceEnd | Mip level where texture is faded out completely. |
mipmapFadeDistanceStart | Mip level where texture begins to fade out. |
mipmapFilter | Mipmap filtering mode. |
normalmapFilter | Normal map filtering mode. |
npotScale | Scaling mode for non power of two textures. |
qualifiesForSpritePacking | Returns true if this TextureImporter is setup for Sprite packing. |
spriteBorder | Border sizes of the generated sprites. |
spriteImportMode | Selects Single or Manual import mode for Sprite textures. |
spritePackingTag | Selects the Sprite packing tag. |
spritePivot | The point in the Sprite object's coordinate space where the graphic is located. |
spritePixelsPerUnit | The number of pixels in the sprite that correspond to one unit in world space. |
spritesheet | Array representing the sections of the atlas corresponding to individual sprite graphics. |
sRGBTexture | Is texture storing color data? |
textureCompression | Compression of imported texture. |
textureShape | Shape of imported texture. |
textureType | Which type of texture are we dealing with here. |
wrapMode | Wrap mode (Repeat or Clamp) of the texture. |
ClearPlatformTextureSettings | Очистить параметры выбранной платформы |
DoesSourceTextureHaveAlpha | Does textures source image have alpha channel. |
GetAutomaticFormat | TODO. |
GetDefaultPlatformTextureSettings | Get the default platform specific texture settings. |
GetPlatformTextureSettings | Get platform specific texture settings. |
ReadTextureImportInstructions | Reads the active texture output instructions of this TextureImporter. |
ReadTextureSettings | Прочитайте настройки текстуры в классе TextureImporterSettings |
SetPlatformTextureSettings | Установите определенные параметры выбранной платформы |
SetTextureSettings | Set texture importers settings from TextureImporterSettings class. |
assetBundleName | Get or set the AssetBundle name. |
assetBundleVariant | Получите или установите любые пользовательские данные. |
assetPath | Имя пути ассета для этого импортера. (Read Only) |
userData | Получите или установите любые пользовательские данные. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | The name of the object. |
SaveAndReimport | Save asset importer settings if asset importer is dirty. |
SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant | Получите или установите любые пользовательские данные. |
GetInstanceID | Returns the instance id of the object. |
ToString | Returns the name of the game object. |
GetAtPath | Восстанавливает импортер ассетов для ассета в path. |
Destroy | Удаляет GameObject, Component или Asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Makes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene. |
FindObjectOfType | Returns the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | Clones the object original and returns the clone. |
bool | Does the object exist? |
operator != | Compares if two objects refer to a different object. |
operator == | Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object. |