interface in UnityEngine.Experimental.Director
Interface for objects that can control an AnimatorController.
layerCount | Количество слоев AnimatorController-а. |
parameterCount | The number of AnimatorControllerParameters used by the AnimatorController. |
CrossFade | Creates a dynamic transition between the current state and the destination state. |
CrossFadeInFixedTime | Same as IAnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFade, but the duration and offset in the target state are in fixed time. |
GetAnimatorTransitionInfo | Получить информацию о переходе на указанном слое Контроллера Аниматора (AnimatorController). |
GetBool | See IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetBool. |
GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo | Gets the list of AnimatorClipInfo currently played by the current state. |
GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoCount | This function should be used when you want to use the allocation-free method IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo. |
GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo | Получить информацию о текущем состоянии на указанном слое Контроллера Аниматора (AnimatorController). |
GetFloat | Получить значение параметра с типом float. |
GetInteger | Получить значение целого параметра. |
GetLayerIndex | Gets the index of the layer with specified name. |
GetLayerName | Получить имя слоя. |
GetLayerWeight | Получить текущий вес цели. |
GetNextAnimatorClipInfo | Gets the list of AnimatorClipInfo currently played by the next state. |
GetNextAnimatorClipInfoCount | This function should be used when you want to use the allocation-free method IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetNextAnimatorClipInfo. |
GetNextAnimatorStateInfo | Получить информацию следующего состояния на указанном слое Контроллера Аниматора (AnimatorController). |
GetParameter | Read only access to the AnimatorControllerParameters used by the animator. |
HasState | Returns true if the AnimatorState is present in the Animator's controller. For a state named State in sub state machine SubStateMachine of state machine StateMachine, the shortNameHash can be generated using Animator.StringToHash("State"), and the fullPathHash can be generated using Animator.StringToHash("StateMachine.SubStateMachine.State"). Typically, the name of the top level state machine is the name of the Layer. |
IsInTransition | Находится ли указанный слой Контроллер Аниматора (AnimatorController) в переходе. |
IsParameterControlledByCurve | Возвращает "да", если параметр управляется дополнительной кривой на анимации. |
Play | Воспроизводит состояние. |
PlayInFixedTime | Same as IAnimatorControllerPlayable.Play, but the offset in the target state is in fixed time. |
ResetTrigger | Сбрасывает параметр триггера в false. |
SetBool | See IAnimatorControllerPlayable.SetBool. |
SetFloat | Устанавливает значение float параметра. |
SetInteger | Устанавливает значение целочисленного параметра. |
SetLayerWeight | Устанавливает текущий вес слоя. |
SetTrigger | Sets a trigger parameter to active. A trigger parameter is a bool parameter that gets reset to false when it has been used in a transition. For state machines with multiple layers, the trigger will only get reset once all layers have been evaluated, so that the layers can synchronize their transitions on the same parameter. |