Version: 5.5
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


interface in UnityEngine.Experimental.Director

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Interface for objects that can control an AnimatorController.


layerCountКоличество слоев AnimatorController-а.
parameterCountThe number of AnimatorControllerParameters used by the AnimatorController.

Public Functions

CrossFadeCreates a dynamic transition between the current state and the destination state.
CrossFadeInFixedTimeSame as IAnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFade, but the duration and offset in the target state are in fixed time.
GetAnimatorTransitionInfoПолучить информацию о переходе на указанном слое Контроллера Аниматора (AnimatorController).
GetBoolSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetBool.
GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoGets the list of AnimatorClipInfo currently played by the current state.
GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoCountThis function should be used when you want to use the allocation-free method IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo.
GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfoПолучить информацию о текущем состоянии на указанном слое Контроллера Аниматора (AnimatorController).
GetFloatПолучить значение параметра с типом float.
GetIntegerПолучить значение целого параметра.
GetLayerIndexGets the index of the layer with specified name.
GetLayerNameПолучить имя слоя.
GetLayerWeightПолучить текущий вес цели.
GetNextAnimatorClipInfoGets the list of AnimatorClipInfo currently played by the next state.
GetNextAnimatorClipInfoCountThis function should be used when you want to use the allocation-free method IAnimatorControllerPlayable.GetNextAnimatorClipInfo.
GetNextAnimatorStateInfoПолучить информацию следующего состояния на указанном слое Контроллера Аниматора (AnimatorController).
GetParameterRead only access to the AnimatorControllerParameters used by the animator.
HasStateReturns true if the AnimatorState is present in the Animator's controller. For a state named State in sub state machine SubStateMachine of state machine StateMachine, the shortNameHash can be generated using Animator.StringToHash("State"), and the fullPathHash can be generated using Animator.StringToHash("StateMachine.SubStateMachine.State"). Typically, the name of the top level state machine is the name of the Layer.
IsInTransitionНаходится ли указанный слой Контроллер Аниматора (AnimatorController) в переходе.
IsParameterControlledByCurveВозвращает "да", если параметр управляется дополнительной кривой на анимации.
PlayВоспроизводит состояние.
PlayInFixedTimeSame as IAnimatorControllerPlayable.Play, but the offset in the target state is in fixed time.
ResetTriggerСбрасывает параметр триггера в false.
SetBoolSee IAnimatorControllerPlayable.SetBool.
SetFloatУстанавливает значение float параметра.
SetIntegerУстанавливает значение целочисленного параметра.
SetLayerWeightУстанавливает текущий вес слоя.
SetTriggerSets a trigger parameter to active. A trigger parameter is a bool parameter that gets reset to false when it has been used in a transition. For state machines with multiple layers, the trigger will only get reset once all layers have been evaluated, so that the layers can synchronize their transitions on the same parameter.