Version: 5.4


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public ProceduralPropertyDescription[] GetProceduralPropertyDescriptions ();


Get an array of descriptions of all the ProceduralProperties this ProceduralMaterial has.

This can be used to build generic GUI that can be used to edit the properties of any ProceduralMaterial without knowing its properties in advance.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Vector2 scrolling; public Renderer rend; void Start() { rend = GetComponent<Renderer>(); } void OnGUI() { if (rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial) { Rect windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width - 250, 30, 220, Screen.height - 60); GUI.Window(0, windowRect, ProceduralPropertiesGUI, "Procedural Properties"); } } void ProceduralPropertiesGUI(int windowId) { scrolling = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrolling); ProceduralMaterial substance = rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial; ProceduralPropertyDescription[] inputs = substance.GetProceduralPropertyDescriptions(); int i = 0; while (i < inputs.Length) { ProceduralPropertyDescription input = inputs[i]; ProceduralPropertyType type = input.type; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Boolean) { bool inputBool = substance.GetProceduralBoolean(; bool oldInputBool = inputBool; inputBool = GUILayout.Toggle(inputBool,; if (inputBool != oldInputBool) substance.SetProceduralBoolean(, inputBool); } else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Float) if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label(; float inputFloat = substance.GetProceduralFloat(; float oldInputFloat = inputFloat; inputFloat = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(inputFloat, input.minimum, input.maximum); if (inputFloat != oldInputFloat) substance.SetProceduralFloat(, inputFloat); } else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector4) if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label(; int vectorComponentAmount = 4; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2) vectorComponentAmount = 2; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3) vectorComponentAmount = 3; Vector4 inputVector = substance.GetProceduralVector(; Vector4 oldInputVector = inputVector; int c = 0; while (c < vectorComponentAmount) { inputVector[c] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(inputVector[c], input.minimum, input.maximum); c++; } if (inputVector != oldInputVector) substance.SetProceduralVector(, inputVector); } else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color4) { GUILayout.Label(; int colorComponentAmount = ((type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3) ? 3 : 4); Color colorInput = substance.GetProceduralColor(; Color oldColorInput = colorInput; int d = 0; while (d < colorComponentAmount) { colorInput[d] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(colorInput[d], 0, 1); d++; } if (colorInput != oldColorInput) substance.SetProceduralColor(, colorInput); } else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Enum) { GUILayout.Label(; int enumInput = substance.GetProceduralEnum(; int oldEnumInput = enumInput; string[] enumOptions = input.enumOptions; enumInput = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(enumInput, enumOptions, 1); if (enumInput != oldEnumInput) substance.SetProceduralEnum(, enumInput); } i++; } substance.RebuildTextures(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } }