Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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Благодарим вас за то, что вы помогаете нам улучшить качество документации по Unity. Однако, мы не можем принять любой перевод. Мы проверяем каждый предложенный вами вариант перевода и принимаем его только если он соответствует оригиналу.


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По определённым причинам предложенный вами перевод не может быть принят. Пожалуйста <a>попробуйте снова</a> через пару минут. И выражаем вам свою благодарность за то, что вы уделяете время, чтобы улучшить документацию по Unity.



public static function GetWindowWithRect(t: Type, rect: Rect, utility: bool = false, title: string = null): EditorWindow;
public static EditorWindow GetWindowWithRect(Type t, Rect rect, bool utility = false, string title = null);
public static function GetWindowWithRect(t: Type, rect: Rect, utility: bool = false, title: string = null): EditorWindow;
public static EditorWindow GetWindowWithRect(Type t, Rect rect, bool utility = false, string title = null);
public static function GetWindowWithRect(t: Type, rect: Rect, utility: bool = false, title: string = null): EditorWindow;
public static EditorWindow GetWindowWithRect(Type t, Rect rect, bool utility = false, string title = null);


t The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.
rect The position on the screen where a newly created window will show.
utility Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.
title If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.


Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.

If there is none, creates and shows new window at the position rect and returns the instance of it.

Create an empty 100x150px window at the upper left corner of the screen.

	// Create a dockable empty window at the top left corner of the screen
	// with 100px width and 150px height
	import UnityEditor;
	class GetWindowRectEx extends EditorWindow {	
		@MenuItem("Example/Display simple sized Window")
		static function Initialize() {
			var window : GetWindowEx = 
				EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(GetWindowRectEx, Rect(0, 0, 100, 150));
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

// Create a dockable empty window at the top left corner of the screen // with 100px width and 150px height public class EditorWindowTest : EditorWindow {

[MenuItem("Example/Display simple sized Window")] static void Initialize() { EditorWindowTest window = (EditorWindowTest)EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(typeof(EditorWindowTest), new Rect(0, 0, 100, 150)); } }

public static function GetWindowWithRect(rect: Rect): T;
public static T GetWindowWithRect(Rect rect);
public static function GetWindowWithRect(rect: Rect, utility: bool): T;
public static T GetWindowWithRect(Rect rect, bool utility);
public static function GetWindowWithRect(rect: Rect, utility: bool, title: string): T;
public static T GetWindowWithRect(Rect rect, bool utility, string title);
public static function GetWindowWithRect(rect: Rect, utility: bool, title: string, focus: bool): T;
public static T GetWindowWithRect(Rect rect, bool utility, string title, bool focus);


t The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.
rect The position on the screen where a newly created window will show.
utility Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.
title If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.
focus Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).


Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.

If there is none, creates and shows new window at the position rect and returns the instance of it.