Utility class for any prefab related operations.
//Create a folder (right click in the Assets directory, click Create>New Folder) and name it “Editor” if one doesn’t exist already. //Place this script in that folder
//This script creates a new menu and a new menu item in the Editor window // Use the new menu item to create a prefab at the given path. If a prefab already exists it asks if you want to replace it //Click on a GameObject in your Hierarchy, then go to Examples>Create Prefab to see it in action.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
public class Example : EditorWindow { //Creates a new menu (Examples) with a menu item (Create Prefab) [MenuItem("Examples/Create Prefab")] static void CreatePrefab() { //Keep track of the currently selected GameObject(s) GameObject[] objectArray = Selection.gameObjects;
//Loop through every GameObject in the array above foreach (GameObject gameObject in objectArray) { //Set the path as within the Assets folder, and name it as the GameObject's name with the .prefab format string localPath = "Assets/" + gameObject.name + ".prefab";
//Check if the Prefab and/or name already exists at the path if (AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(localPath, typeof(GameObject))) { //Create dialog to ask if User is sure they want to overwrite existing prefab if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Are you sure?", "The prefab already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?", "Yes", "No")) //If the user presses the yes button, create the Prefab { CreateNew(gameObject, localPath); } } //If the name doesn't exist, create the new Prefab else { Debug.Log(gameObject.name + " is not a prefab, will convert"); CreateNew(gameObject, localPath); } } }
// Disable the menu item if no selection is in place [MenuItem("Examples/Create Prefab", true)] static bool ValidateCreatePrefab() { return Selection.activeGameObject != null; }
static void CreateNew(GameObject obj, string localPath) { //Create a new prefab at the path given Object prefab = PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(localPath, obj); PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(obj, prefab, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab); } }
prefabInstanceUpdated | Called after prefab instances in the scene have been updated. |
ConnectGameObjectToPrefab | Connects the source prefab to the game object. |
CreateEmptyPrefab | Creates an empty prefab at given path. |
CreatePrefab | Creates a prefab from a game object hierarchy. |
DisconnectPrefabInstance | Disconnects the prefab instance from its parent prefab. |
FindPrefabRoot | Helper function to find the prefab root of an object (used for picking niceness). |
FindRootGameObjectWithSameParentPrefab | Returns the topmost game object that has the same prefab parent as target. |
FindValidUploadPrefabInstanceRoot | Returns root game object of the prefab instance if that root prefab instance is a parent of the prefab. |
GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource | Returns the corresponding asset object of source, or null if it can't be found. |
GetPrefabObject | Retrieves the enclosing prefab for any object contained within. |
GetPrefabType | Given an object, returns its prefab type (None, if it's not a prefab). |
GetPropertyModifications | Extract all modifications that are applied to the prefab instance compared to the parent prefab. |
InstantiateAttachedAsset | Instantiate an asset that is referenced by a prefab and use it on the prefab instance. |
InstantiatePrefab | Instantiates the given prefab in a given scene. |
MergeAllPrefabInstances | Force re-merging all prefab instances of this prefab. |
ReconnectToLastPrefab | Connects the game object to the prefab that it was last connected to. |
RecordPrefabInstancePropertyModifications | Causes modifications made to the Prefab instance to be recorded. |
ReplacePrefab | Replaces the targetPrefab with a copy of the game object hierarchy go. |
ResetToPrefabState | Resets the properties of the component or game object to the parent prefab state. |
RevertPrefabInstance | Resets the properties of all objects in the prefab, including child game objects and components that were added to the prefab instance. |
SetPropertyModifications | Assigns all modifications that are applied to the prefab instance compared to the parent prefab. |
PrefabInstanceUpdated | Delegate for method that is called after prefab instances in the scene have been updated. |