"Application.isBatchMode" operator added in 2018.2 NewIn20182
Hexagonal Tilemaps added in 2018.2 NewIn20182
Support for Java source file plug-ins added for Android player in 2018.2 NewIn20182
Support for using C++ source files and static libraries as plug-ins on Android added in 2018.2 NewIn20182
To find User Manual pages on new and updated features in Unity 2018.2, click on the link above or search for "NewIn20182".
New Project Templates added in 2018.2 NewIn20182
Low Resolution Aspect Ratios Game view option available on Windows from 2018.2 NewIn20182
Hexagonal Tilemap option added in Unity 2018.2 NewIn20182
.NET scripting backend deprecated in 2018.2 NewIn20182
C# debugging for IL2CPP on Universal Windows Platform added in [2018.2] (https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.2/Documentation/Manual/3...