Version: 2018.1


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Obsolete public static bool BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames (Object[] assets, string[] assetNames, string pathName, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions, BuildTarget targetPlatform);
Obsolete public static bool BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames (Object[] assets, string[] assetNames, string pathName, out uint crc, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions, BuildTarget targetPlatform);


assetsСоздает сжатый Unity3D файл, содержащий коллекцию ассетов. AssetBundles могут содержать в себе любой ассет, который находится в папке с проектом.
assetNamesAn array of strings of the same size as the number of assets. These will be used as asset names, which you can then pass to AssetBundle.Load to load a specific asset. Use BuildAssetBundle to just use the asset's path names instead.
pathNameСжатый asset bundle файл будет сохранен в pathName.
assetBundleOptionsAutomatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.
targetPlatformСжатый asset bundle файл будет сохранен в pathName.
crcAn optional output parameter used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle. (Used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle().)


Builds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets.

The function returns a boolean value which is true if the build succeeded and false otherwise.
Note: Specifying strings will increase the size of the asset bundle. The Built-in AssetBundle data shown in the build log refers to the string size.

See Also: BuildAssetBundle, AssetBundle class, DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.