Version: 2017.3
public void CrossFade (string stateName, float normalizedTransitionDuration, int layer= -1, float normalizedTimeOffset= float.NegativeInfinity, float normalizedTransitionTime= 0.0f);
public void CrossFade (int stateHashName, float normalizedTransitionDuration, int layer= -1, float normalizedTimeOffset= float.NegativeInfinity, float normalizedTransitionTime= 0.0f);


stateName The name of the state.
stateHashName The hash name of the state.
normalizedTransitionDuration The duration of the transition (normalized).
layer The layer where the crossfade occurs.
normalizedTimeOffset The time of the state (normalized).
normalizedTransitionTime The time of the transition (normalized).


Creates a crossfade from the current state to any other state using normalized times.

See Also: Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime for a use with times in seconds.